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gamerbrad1 Blog

I am Back to check up

July 29, 2008,

Hello everybody I am back to check up on my account I am still in the southwest and will be back on August 24 , 2008

-Be Back soon


I will soon be gone


Just wanted to tell you guys that I will be gone on Monday July 14,2008 to Arizona and will not be back till about late August. I still got three more days to start a Union. Please Join if you can. Anyways I still don't know what my union name will be still if you have any ideas message me.

On these last few days I will most likely improving my account or on the forums so look for me their and I will talk to you.

gamerbrad1 :D

Union Start (When im level 6)


If your not blind you notice that i am on level 5.When I am on level six I will start a union but i do not know a name for it yet.So If you have any other ideas just message me and I may start it :D

Tommorow is My B-Day


TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY and I will be 29 years old.I don't know what Gamespot will do about it because Im new here so.....

Also, Tommorow I will start a blog that is called The Weekly Gamer. It'll be a newspaper/blog that has weekly information about news/sports and etc.

If you have any ideas about the newspaper/blog comment.

PS3 Better Than PS2?I agree


Many People say that the PS3 is better than PS2 and i agree.I have a couple of reasons why below in the following paragraphs.

One reason why is that the PS3 is better than the PS2 is that there are way better graphics I mean come on you have to agree with that.During my recent EXPERIMENT I used MLB 07 The show on PS3 and PS2 and I replayed different clips and noticed that there are much more detail to the character and the scenes were much detailed.

Another reason is that you can get on the internet.Now i don't know 100% that you can get on the internet on PS2.But, I know that you can get on the internet on PS3.

The Last reason is that it stores more memory than the PS2. A good PS3 Stores about 80GB while a PS2 has only a Memory Card that stores 8MB.

Anyways What im trying to say is that before you buy a new Playstation Think about my Blog!:D