Was checking the boards for the first time this weekend and didn't see anything about the new VC games for next week. I know the're announced on monday but sometimes people get early word.
I just finally broke down for a $350 xbox 360 but I'm not really all that concerned about it. I'm not gonna buy it cause its way overpriced, almost 500 dollars for HDMI and a 120GB hard drive. YOu could get a 500GB hard drive for half that. I think I'll be able to sustain myself with 20GB
Wondering if you could help me, just bought my first wii points card (took me forever to find one). I have 2500 points now I already got super mario bros and am committed to get Zelda: Link to the Past. I'm just stuck on what else to purchase my top 3 are Super Mario World, CastleVania IV and Mario 64. I have Mario World buried in my game boy somewhere so that kinda spurns me but I've never played CastleVania and Mario 64 I haven't played sense I sold my 64 like 2-3 yrs ago. Should I go for the gusto and dump all my points now or wait for some classics like: Punch Out, Duck Hunt, BattleToads, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic 2 and Mario 3. Any advice would help, sorry for being so long winded.
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