I was born in 1992, so I’m under Millennials 2. I grew up with N64/GameCube.
gamerguru100's forum posts
I have Fallout 76 on PS4 and still wish I could get my $60 back. I’ve deleted it from my HDD but I’ve heard there have been “updates”. I use that term loosely because Bethesda. I’d be willing to try the game again if they’ve at least fixed the servers.
Does anyone know if they still crash a lot?
I have the first game on PS3 but I never got around to playing it thoroughly since I got a PS4 shortly after buying the game. I’m still looking forward to this second one though. It might motivate me to play the first one. I can’t play PS3 for long now because the outdated graphics start to bother my eyes.
MP has always made me rage. I’ve had some good games in CoD and Battlefield. I usually stick to SP games these days. I don’t have a whole lot of motivation to get good at MP. It seems to be based more on your Internet connection and luck rather than skill, at least on console.
@LJS9502_basic: Well polls aren’t really reliable unless you have a large enough sample size. Considering how low the Native American population is I suppose you could get different percentages across the board. Maybe certain tribes consider it more offensive than others too.
I hear you, OP. I liked the concept of the game, but the bullet sponges killed it. It gets worse as you team up and raise the difficulty. You're gonna have to soak literally hundreds if not thousands of rounds into a single enemy to kill him. It's ridiculous.
Ahh, ok i remember it was some Asian dress. The crazy part here is that actual Asians did not find anything offensive at all about it, and many said they were happy to see other cultures use their dresses.
Although there was something with a Japanese piece of clothing too that blew up on the Internet. I can't remember it's all a blur. It's funny because most of the people getting offended are white. They're getting offended on behalf of non-whites thinking it makes them holier than thou above the rest of us. I think it comes down to politics and narcissism.
Ya, that is the thing about all this. People who are offended are white middle to upper-class teens who get to uni and or just came out of unit with a female studies degree or some other random humanist useless piece of paper.
I saw a article a few months ago where it was discussed if name Washington Redskins was actually offensive and a poll done among native Americans, found that less than 10% actually found the name to be offensive at all.
Wow, that's interesting. I would think the percentage would actually be higher. At least 1/3. I guess most neither don't care or actually like it.
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