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Defending chris Jericho's return

As we all know Chris jericho returned to the WWE back in January.

I thought it was awesome and the second he came back i knew that cm punk vs chris jericho was destined to happen.

that feud happened and well IT WAS AWESOME

The only complaint i really have about jericho's return was that he didnt win the royal rumble which wouldve helped the feud and made him look like a bigger threat.

However in the end i cant complain on jericho's return overall

i thought he was gonna win the rumble and beat punk at mania and from there it wouldve been a 2 out of 3 battle with over the limit being the ppv to conclude the match.

That didnt happen but once again jericho did what i expected him to do

he put over cm punk.

overall i conclude that his return was actually a sucess.

However i have been seeing alot of people complain about how his return was a failure and i can see why they would think that what with all the promos and the whole end of the world thing.

however all i can really say is qoute chris jericho


thats what jericho stated on twitter the night he lost at royal rumble

Chris jericho knew his main goal from the beginning was to put over stars and thats exactly what he did

he put over cm punk twice and he just put over sheamus last night.

Jericho is 40 years old i beleive he has nothing left to really prove as a matter of fact he has pretty much done it all.

the man can still wrestle even at that age

sure he couldve come back and said i wanna beat cm punk but he didnt he knew that WWE needed stars for the future and thats why he came back

dont get me wrong im a very big jericho fan everyone who knows me knows that

besides this doesnt look like its his final run

if it is his final run he went out with a bang

he gave us 3 consecutive epic matches

chris jericho's return was a success in my eyes

now then this is my opinion i just wanted to give my two cents in this because when i read articles about him all i see are comments on how his return was a huge failure and how he just came back for the money

i dont think he came back for the money i think he is doing just fine financially

anyway just wanted to defend jericho

if this really is his final run it was fun whle it lasted

Wrestling and off topic union

Hello everyone this is Gamerguy officer of the WOTU aka the Wrestling and Off Topic Union here to make a little advertisement for the Union.

If you are a wrestling fan in general i recommend you join as we are a very active union.

we do not spam and we dont post spoilers so those who record their shows can take comfort in knowing that you can enjoy your Raw,tna and smackdown without worry.

Thats right we have World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Total Nonstop Action (TNA), and we even discuss Ring Of Honor (ROH) and New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) and yes we will even discuss FCW.

but thats not all now not everyone is a wrestling fan and you may be wondering well Gamer i dnt watch wrestling WHY THE HELL SHOULD I JOIN ?

the answer is simple we have more than just wrestling we have a very wacky off topic thread that will get even wackier as the summer nears.

a video game thread

a music and movie thread

a sports thread

a hot seat thread and a comment on the user above you thread

we even have live chats during the shows every monday we meet at the Raw thread and discuss Raw as the show goes on and the same applies for smackdown, TNA and the PPVs of both companies.

We even have divas like Natalya....MINE :P

chat with john cena fans

chat with cm punk fans

chat with dolph ziggler fans and other tna and wwe superstars fans

we even have alex riley fans that being me


so this is Gamerguy saying come and join WOTU today wrestling fan or not you wont be dissapointed

so here is the homepage



Random wrestling thoughts

here we go

1. cm punk vs daniel bryan will be epic

2. wwe seriously needs to fix the mid card and fast

3. vince must really hate people who get over on their own

4. case and point zack ryder

5. from u.s. champ to losing a dark match to dean ambrose

6. kanes return has been a dissapointment

7. it shouldve been ryder vs kane at mania

8. it was nice to see the extreme rules ppv actually have an extreme rules match

9. how bad is the team of tyler reks and curt hawkins ?

10. justin gabriel and tyson kidd had only been a tag team for 3 days and they got a tag title shot

11. that being said tylers reks and curt hawkins are so underappreciated

12. tyson kidd is underappreciated

13. justin gabriel could be the face of a cruiserweight division

14. but teaming with kidd works as well

15. if it gets both of them tv time and some wins im all for it

16. raw rating was bad yesterday because everyone knows that the go away home for every ppv so far has been awful

17. vince is gonna panic and insert john cena into the wwe and WHC matches this sunday

18. michael cole 1 wrestlemania win

19. zack ryder 0 wrestlemania wins

20. damn you vince

21. creative sucks

22. vince sucks

23. where is my mega heel stable ?

24. where is my mega heel ?

25. if the rumors about mark henry are true atleast he went out with a bang

26. big show is so not fired

27. however i can tell his career is in its final stages

28. divas need more tv time

29. seriously they ALL HAVE POTENTIAL

30. i dont care what anyone says Natalya is hot

31. kelly kelly is hot

32. beth phoenix is hot

33. the rest of the divas are hot

34. but natalya is number 1

35. in my heart

36. i mean book

37. sorry tyson kidd

38. your awesome though

39. you know who else is awesome ?

40. alex riley

41. and brodus clay

42. spideynerd is gonna hate me after he reads comment number 56

43. ziggler is what you get if curt hening and billy gunn performed the fusion dance

44. Ziggler will become wwe/whc champ soon

45. everyone relax we can make it happen

46. hell now that i think about we can actually make anything happen with the E

47. we helped zack ryder

48. we kinda helped mcintyre

49. we can help ziggler

50. vickie you are an amazing manager

51. i dont care what anyone says

52. you may have single handedly saved the manager psoition in the E

53. Save the miz please

54. the miz will bounce back

55. the miz will reach the top again

56. the miz will turn face

57. spideynerd is angry right now :P

58. killerband is still mad about the bellas

59. i want to set him up with alicia fox but he said no :lol:

60. icon loves layla

61. fullmetal doesnt love Eve

62. i do though :P

63. gotta get back on track now

64. tag team division is improving

65. baby steps is better than no steps

66. darren young and titus o neil are pretty cool guys



69. we may be saying BIG ZEKE AINT GOT NO JOB soon

70. the usos are also really cool guys

71. to bad they are second to last on the tag team card

72. last place goes to hawkins and reks

73. i dont think they have won a match as a team yet

74. they have the look

75. i thought thats all vince wanted

76. seeing as the great khali had a world title reign

77. and greats like curt hening didnt

78. that still pisses me off to this day

79. alex riley's burial pisses me off

80. im one of one alex riley fans in WOTU

81. join it if your a wrestling fan

82. we have TNA

83. and divas

84. everyone loves divas

85. like natalya

86. oh and we have ring of honor

87. i think

88. austin aries is so talented i wish he came to the E

89. matt morgan might be coming back to the E

90. im all for it

91. just d-d-dont t-t-t-t-talk like thi-s-s-s-s-s-s

92. did you know matt morgans first wwe match was against Zack ryder

93. im never gonna see an actual RVD title reign am i ?

94. its a shame hes a really cool guy

95. if john cena holds a title for 1 month people get sick of him

96. RVD held the ECW tv title for

97. 1 year 11 months and 18 days

98. and we thought it was to short of a title reign

99. poor cena

100. take some time off dude

101. i can tell by looking at you your forcing yourself

102. your fans will understand dude trust me

103. i dont hate you i just hate the idea that you cant lose cleanly

104. thats all

105. same with you sheamus

106. i hope punk doesnt fall into that territory

107. because people will get sick of him

108. the summer of punk 2011 was good

109. but the E couldve done it way better

110. another example of Vince hating people who get over on their own

111. speaking of over on their own

112. Vince wanted us to hate daniel bryan and laugh at broduc clay

113. but instead we loved them

114. and now vince is angry

115. HAHA

116. Daniel bryan will hold another world title soon

117. as long as we the fans keep demanding it

118. i think we can do it


120. oh my i just hit number 120

121. wow i didnt even realize that

122. i think i should stop

123. i love natalya

124. natalya

125. did i mention i love natalya

126. ok seriously though

127. time to stop

128. with that i say leave a comment

129. and remember

130. i really think if we keep the demanding the E fix its problems they will

131. remember the ryder revolution ?

132. it can be done

133. and now im done

gamerguy's scenarios for the Rock/Cena wrestlemania match

its Wrestlemania season and we all know the match that everyone is looking forward John Cena vs The Rock.

Now the biuldup for this match actually started in febuary 2011 when the rock as announced as the guest host of Wrestlemania 27.

After costing Cena the WWe title match the very next day Cena vs The rock was booked.

as we get closer and closer to april 1st i get more excited about mania but now here is the tricky part how do you book this match you would think that it would be simple seeing as the rock came back for this match but as more and more reports of him wrestling at mania 29 surface could the result here lead to a rematch at another mania ? here are the scenarios i thought of in no particular order.

1. The rock pins Cena and Cena turns heel

The rock could pin cena and then after the match cena could offer to shake his hand but at the last second attacks the rock and destroys infront of his home town turning heel and sending the rock back to hollywood in pieces. From there we could have a cena who is more determined than ever to have a rematch with the rock.

2. The Rock pins Cena and they shake hands

this would be an interesting scenario The rock pins cena and then they just shake hands and call it a night. from there Cena will just have to live down the fact that he couldnt beat the rock but will Vince I wont push alex riley and Natalya Mcmahon let that happen to his golden boy ?

3. Cena gets disqualified and turns heel

i dont expect this happen but lets just say after a 3rd AA the rock kicks out and cena's frustration builds to the point where he cant take it anymore and delivers a low blow to the rock and starts beating the crap out of him.....

4. The Rock gets disqualified

definetly wont happen but if it may pissed off alot of people

5. The match ends in a double count out or never has a finish

This could be used to set up a rematch but it could turn people away from the product so i dont see it happening

6. Cena pins the rock cleanly and they shake hands

If this happens all hell in miami will break loose and a majority of the adult fans may never watch theE again. in all honesty if this scenario happens it will be a dissapointment to me.

7. Cena pins the rock and turns heel

Cena could pin the rock gloat at the fact that he beat the rock and then proceed to destroy him and turn heel. what this scenario can do if the rumors of the rock wrestling at mania 29 are true this can be used to establish Cena as the mega heel from there The Rock could return for summerslam or survivor series and at one of those events the rock could pin Cena and then set up the tie breaker for mania 29.

Now there is one more scenario and i thought of this last night and I DONT EXPECT THIS TO HAPPEN AT ALL THIS ONE IS MORE OF A FANTASY BOOKING THING BUT LETS SAY

(Fantasy booking scenario ) Cena pins the rockbecause Eve caused a distraction after the match Cena embracesEve therefor breaking the Loyalty commandmentfrom there Cena signals to backstage where a group of disgruntled heel superstars who are upset at the fact that the rock came back and took a mania spot from them come out and join Cena in a beat down of the rock

henry,christian,ziggler,mcintyre etc.

from there a power stable is born and vince and johnny Ace are revealed as the guys behind it it could set up a nice power struggle storyline in the process as well

but like i said i dont expect that happen at all.

Well those are all the scenarios i could think of

leave a comment let me know what you think

Gamerguy's 2012 Royal Rumble review

Well guys the 2012 royal rumble is in the books and al i have to say is what a way to kick off the road to wrestlemania with that let the review begin.

Match 1

Triple Threat Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight championship

Daniel Bryan vs Mark Henry vs the Big show

This match overall was decent it seemed a bit rushed however but i will attribute that to the fact that the big show and mark henry are injured by the way WWE has no one to blame but themselves for mark henry's injury. Despite it being rushed it was a solid match in which Daniel Bryan retained which is what I wanted and on top of that it was nice to have a cage match end with someone actually escaping the cage.

Match 2

Brodus clay vs Drew mcintyre

This was a filler match nothing special it was nice to see two wrestlers that i like go at it even though it was a really short match. Still thouigh this was nothing but filler

Match 3

Beth Phoenix,Natalya and the bella twins vs Kelly Kelly,Alicia fox,Tamina and Eve

again another filler match however this was a solid divas match and i loved the cross body that Kelly did oh kelly and Natalya how i love both but love natalya more :P

anyway solid divas bout

Match 4

John Cena vs Kane

I know some people are upset that it ended in a double count out but the finish allows the storyline to continue and i have a feeling that Ryder is gonna abandon Cena good match it did what it did and furthered the storyline

Match 5

Cm punk vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE title

Now this was a great match yes it was overbooked but still it had a good pace and we got to see some great wrestling and we got to see the elbow drop

thank you Savage

Match 6

The Royal Rumble

let me list why i loved this match

1. we got to see some great returns

2. The younger stars shined in this one

3. that Kofi Kingston spot was pure awesome

4. The road dogg and hacsaw cameos were awesome

5. The finish was unpredictable for the most part

While i am upset that jericho lost if there was anyone else that i wouldnt mind winning the rumble it wouldve been Sheamus.

Sheamus deserves this win and i understand that people are upset that Jericho lost its ok he can still get the number one contenders spot at wrestlemania and we can still have our punk/jericho

well thats all i understand it was a short review but thats how i wanted it short sweet and to the point :)

overall score: 8.7/10

Gamerguy's Wrestlemania 28 card through wishful thinking and what would happen

Well as we all know The road to Wrestlemania 28 has officially begun for the most part and as far as we know we only have one official match and are very close to a second onewith that being said this card that i am presenting is not a prediction but kind of a card through wishful thinking and a little bit of what if I were to choose the card thinking. As i provide the matches i will also provide a scenario that i would write up if it were up to me with that being said lets get started.

NOTE: in this cardi will have every title on the line and these matches do not have to happen in this order

1. Beth Phoenix (c)vs. Natalya vs Kharma ( if she is healthy enough) vs layla ( if she is healthy enough) for Divas title

As we all know Beth and Natalya ( my personal favorite diva) were suppose to destroy the divas division that hasnt however ever since the two teamed up Beth Phoenix has been booked inconsistently and recently has dissapeared from T.V. while Natalya poor Natalya has been losing to every diva not named A.J. with that being said I would use this losing streak to have Beth turn on Natalya and from there they can feud for the title and if they are healthy enough I would throw a returning Kharma who i would have as a heel and a returning Layla who i would have as a face.


In my "unbiased" opinion I would have Natalya win the match only because i feel that she deserves it for everything she has done lately and I applaud her for sticking through with the way she has been booked. Kharma will win the title but it wont be right away i could see her winning it later on maybe by summerslam. For an alternative I would have Layla win but in my "unbiased" opinion Natalya would be the first choice.

2. Triple threat tag team match for Tag titles

Epico and Primo (c)vs The Usos vs Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins

Lets face it the tag team division is a complete mess and i even see it being a bigger mess than the divas division however if these next few months are used right and the matches ARE SHOWN ON T.V. The right build up could result in this nice little match. I wouldve had airboom but Evan bourne decided to see the 30 day suspension and raise the WWE 60. cookie for whoever gets that


Well they just recently won the tag titles so i would have Epico and Primo win the match because i do not want the tag titles changing hands so soon. However I do see the Usos winning the tag titles this year the so called creative team can only avoid them for so long

3. Big Show vs Shaq

Apparantly this match is gonna happen which is why im including it nothing big here just a celebrity getting involved in wrestling but hey if its someone who actually is a fan of the E like Shaq than thats fine and I know the big show will do this because he is that nice of a guy thank you big show for everything you have done i dont care what anyone says you deserve this final main event run you recently had


I would have shaq win

4. Money in the Bank match

Kofi Kingston vsThe MizvsR-Truth vs Justin Gabriel vs Hunico vsWade Barrettvs Sheamus vs Christian

I would enjoy this match think about it you will have 3 high flyers in Hunico,Kingston and Gabriel. You will have good overall wrestlers in Barrett,Sheamus and Christian and then there is R-truth and the Miz who i would throw in there just for fun.


I would have Sheamus,Christian or Barrett win this one but I think i would overallhave Barrett win this one and then later on he can feud with sheamus over the WHC.

5. Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

It looks like the E is hell bent on having this match I would have this match as well


Sin Cara just a simple passing the torch match nothing to complicated

6. Dolph Ziggler vs Mick Foley

Now before anyone finds me and kills me here me out when Mick Foley and Ziggler had their confrontation i got to thinking what better way to have Ziggler go over than by having the Hardcore Legend Mick Foley put him over. Think how much it would help Ziggler in his career like how much it helped Ortonbesides i dont see him winning the title at the Rumble and i will explain soon.

7. U.S. Title match

Zack Ryder with Eve vs Jack Swagger (c) with Vickie

you know what ill admit i was really mad when Ryder lost the title but then just like everytime i get mad at the E i got to thinking again and i thought to myself

What if Swagger holds on to the title until Mania it would

1. Give Swagger some much needed credibility

2. It would make the U.S. title seem important with someone like Ryder who is very over wih the crowd going after it

3. It would give these guys the wrestlemania match that i feel they deserve


I would have Ryder win only because i do want this storyline between him and Eve to make some progress also i feel that Swagger just like the Miz is on the verge of turning face yeah i said it thats right Miz and swagger turning face its gonna happen like john cena's 5 moves of doom you cant stop it its inevitable atleast to me :)

8. Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

All signs point to Triple hh being takers next oponent but if I were theE i would open the check book up and try tconvince Brock Lesnar to come back think about it Lesnar has a fan base and at the same time you never know he could help attract UFC fans to the E


Obviously Taker the man deserves it

9. Cody Rhodes (c) vs Goldust I.C. title vs career match

its gonna happen i can see it happening what this does is

1. It gives Goldust one last mania match

2. It gives Rhodes a credible opponent

3. One way to get a heel more heat is to have him retire a face wrestler it works you know

4. Adds prestige to the I.C. title


ofcourse Rhodes the win gives him another win over a future hall of famer and like i said it gives more prestige to the title

10. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan (c) WHC

This match has awesomness written all over it just think about how epic it would be to see a future hall of famer and a future (here it comes) multiple World title holder face off against each other I know the casual fansand theIWC will agree to this


Orton he has been very unselfish lately and he hasnt had a mania title match since 2009 so i would give him the win but dont worry IWC i think Bryan will have more world titles in his future

11. Cm punk (c) vs Chris Jericho for the WWE title

This has been talked about for months know and it looks like it may happen so here is how i would do this i would have Jericho win the rumble and you can start from there the build up and everything it will be great


Good news everyone Jericho recently stated in an interview that he is here for the long run so if thats the case i give the Win to Jericho and from there if the E uses their brains the fun can start

12. the Rock vs John Cena

The peoples main event according to the rock we all have been waiting patiently for this match and in a few months we will finally get to see it how would i book this i think there are some ways

1. Cena wins cleanly

2. Rock wins cleanly

But here is what i would do

at around survivor series I read articles that the E was considering having this feud turn into a best of 3 and i got to thinking with a best of 3 series the e can kill two birds with one stone

personally i don think the E will do this which is why i hope the rock somehow wins but if theE is really considering a best of 3 seriesheres what i would do

I would have Cena defeat the Rock via a dirty roll up and then from there after the matchI would have Cena beat the Rock to a pulp like how he did to Swagger but much more worse what that will do is obviously it will givwe Cena the heel turn everyone eants but at the same time it keeps this feud open The Rock can return 1-2 months before summerslam and screw Cena and he can then beat Cena at Summerslam evening the series at 1 and bring the third and final match to Survivor series TO SETTLE IT ALL

Wrestlers who i left off the card but i think will be in a wrestlemania event soon

Drew mcintyre

alex riley


john morrison ( thats right)

evan bourne ( but i think he is on the way out)

well thats my card do i think it will happen probably not but hey it was fun writing this up and it was nice to put on the creative hat so yeah tell me what you think and what kind of card you would have

until then c ya

Gamerguys random thoughts during the 1/16/12 wwe Raw

1. showtime

2. king of hardcore ? that can only be one man


4. hey punk and bryan vs ziggler and henry later tonight cool

5. ryder vs swagger as well

6 mick foley's theme kicks ass

7. foley foley foley foley

8. sure why not i wouldnt mind mick entering the rumble one last time



11. Ziggler is awesome

12. lol at mick foley and how he answered dolphs question

13 hey dont tell him to go away

14 yay its punk

15. by the way that joke about foley entering the rumble was funny

16. im the cult of personality

17. lol punk and foley get their clothes from the same homeless man :lol:

18. punks right ziggler stop hiding behind vickie and drop her

19 poor excuse for a woman lol

20. hey guys its john as the executive vice president of talent relations and the interm general manger of raw laurinitis

21. john answers to foley in the rumble is ????

22. No but he said itfunny :lol:

23. omg vickie laugh is so annoying

24 shut up vickie

25 my ears

26. airboom up yes they lost their tag titles at a house show

27. i wonder whose gonna win

28. tag team champs get a jobber entrance......

29. wow evan bourne is getting his ass handed to him

30 put the camera back on Rosa this match bores me

31. well that was a prediticable ending

32. rosa mendes is hot

33. who is Johnny ace always texting

34 hey its carlton i mean otunga


36. who has coffee at this hour ?

37. oh its a 6 man tag match now


39. he responds by turning off the lights and lighting up his jacket

40. oh jericho how we all love you

41. its Ryder and Eve

42. ouch that chokeslam was worse than i thought

43. ryder is in no condition to fight

44. Ryder you are one tough guy i respect you

45. Eve as well even though her acting sucks

46. another recap of the cena/kane storyline

47. swagger with no reaqction from the crowd

48. replay of the botched call

49. careful ryder dont woo woo woo to hard

50. this is unfair

51. gut wrench powerbomb

52. another powerbomb

53. and another

54. new u.s. champ :/

55. i can hear the ratings dropping even more than they are right now

56. what laurinitis are you serious now you say hes not medically cleared ?

57. get him Eve

58. lol he told eve to shut up

59. perez hilton???



62. kelly Kelly :)

63. i dont care what you guys say i love kelly kelly

64. not as much as natalya however

65. but i still love her

66. bella twins

67. i still think nikki ios the A-lister

68. i hope killer reads this blog and sees that comment

69. twin magic?

70. never mind

71. perez please dont get involved

72. kelly kelly wins :)

73. killer is mad

74. scratch killer is ready to destory half of his city

75. lol at the bellas pushing perez

76. please E no more perez hilton

77. that replay of show running over A.J. on accident is very tough to watch

78. i hop she aint legit hurt


80. ive had enough conspiracies made me change it up you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck now thats whats up


82. now this is gonna be awesome

83. Wade Barrett is probably my 2nd favorite wrestler

84. that is truths real name barrett :lol:

85. lol at truths confused face

86. hey dont talk smack about mick foley

87. Truth is right barrett you do talk funny

88. U mad Wade ?


90. well if he is cool with the crowd whating him than i cool with it as well

91. slideshow please ?

92. :lol: mickey and minnie

93. 2 peas in a pot

94. lol Truth you are amazing

95. omg truths face in the pic with pinochio is hilarious i would make that my sig but i have the beautiful Natalya in my sigso it will have to wait

96. his nose grow

97. the reaction shot was hilarious

98. I agree truth that dont look pg to me either :lol:

99. miz jumping truth from behind

100. hey its sheamus

101. here comes teddy long

102. let me geuss a tag team match


104. yes that was sarcasm

105. nice little over the top rope battle

106. Truth wins

107. and the Miz has receive his second falcon kick from sheamus in 2012

108. i wont lie that probably was the most random bro kick ever

109. truth eliminates sheamus and he punishes the miz for it :lol:

110. uh oh its Cena and he is showing some emotion

111. cena vs swagger next

112. oh man cena is kicking his ass

113. OMG

114. hes gonna hit him with the steel steps

115. Give in to the hate cena GIVE IN TO IT

116. hey its kane bringing it via recorded video

117. that was interesting

118. uh h its funkasauris time

119. Im feeling funky tonight guys

120. somebody call my mama

121. i love those dancers

122. their names are Naomi Knight and Cameron lynn

123. i love naomi

124. i love cameron lynn even more

125. even though she said that alicia fox vs melina was her favorite match

126. hey its JTG

127. well that was a quick match someone call JTG's mama

128. hey its Daniel Bryan

129. it is your fault bryan not the big show's

130 A.J. weighs 95 pounds ???

131. she is still cute

132. match time

133. here comes jericho

134. they return from commericial and jericho is still celebrating with the crowd

135. here comes punk 136. nice match so far




139. AND he tags in bryan and leaves the match :lol:

140. now bryan and heanry leave the match

141. hey its foley

142. punks tags in foley

143. foley giving it to Otunga

144. oh oh its mr.socko

145. foley and punk win

146. nevermind the funkma reversed the decision

147. Punk is mad


149. wow another pipe bomb from punk uh oh i hear the mommies changing the channel again

150. lol at foley instigating




154. well he revealed his intentions of scrwwing punk at the royal rumble

155. and prceeds to smash the mick on foley's head

156. good show and good night

Gamerguys random thoughts during the 1/9/2012 Raw show

ok here we go

1. Recap

2. alright Kane starts the show

3. his voice sounds funny

4. you got me there i do despise my job

5. hey i dont suck

6. hey its Cena

7. a nice promo and a brawls to start the show

8. this is awesome

9. lol at the 3 bystanders watching to brawl

10. note to the bystanders if two wrestlers are beating the crap out of each other to qoute ludacris MOVE GET OUT THE WAY

11. Cena using a crowbar

12. Kane dissapeared

13. That was an epic way to start the show

14. the crowd is silent

15. Sheamus

16. Jobber

17. Wade barrett

18. Still wish his theme would play everytime i show up somewhere

19. Other jobber

20. very short tag match

21. Santino pins mahal

22. there goes the very very very little momentum Mahal had gained

23. sheamus and Barrett need to feud with each other

24. hey its the miz

25. hey its the funkman

26. oh its Otunga

27. My god he sips his coffee so loud my goodness

28. Miz wants security

29. Big Johnny :lol:

30. Lauranitis you have been on a role the past few months good for you man

31. oh i just realized he said Brodus Clay is debuting tonight

32. Edge in the Hall of Fame he deserves it thank you Edge i miss watching you on tv hopefully you come back as a commentator or gm in the near future

33. one more inductee cant wait

34. sorry miz Mason Ryan dont wanna be your body gaurd


36. :lol: Kane almost dragged him to hell

37. Why havent i seen that movie yet ?

38. hey its Eve

39. haha she ran out of excuses

37. about time she gave him a chance

38. i wonder if Ryder could hook me up with Natalya :P

39. lol at Kane stalking

40. Kofi vs d-Bryan

41. i like it so far

42. a very epic squash match

43. poor Kofi


45. No DQ and no count out that is gonna be awesome

46. i love those royal rumble clips

47. Brodus clay is up next

48. from planet funk ???

49. Funkasaruas ???



52. oh wait it is brodus clay

53. wow this is interesting

54. somebody call my mama

55. i wont lie brodus looks like he is having fun out there

56. at the same time this could be punishment for his unecessary tweet a few months back

57. this is interesting but im more interested in those dancers who are they ?

58. oh FCW talent wow those two are gorgeous

59. you know that wasnt bad at all it was strange and not what the vignettes showed but still it reminded me of those times when wrestlers actually had gimmicks

60. your right Brodus no one saw this coming

61. Curt hawkins sighting

62. brodus moves very quick in the ring for someone his size that impressive

63. lol what was brodus doing when hawkins held him

64. That was a quick match

65. Somebody call Curt Hawkins mama and tell her that herbaby boyhas been squashed figuratively and literally

66. wait dont leave you havent introduced me to thse dancers

67. Ryder is brushing his teeth

68. and talking to himself

69. yeah i would be freaked out as well Ryder you aint alone

70. no miz epico and primo wont join you

71. i think Rosa mendes curesed him out

74. punk vs swagger next

75. here we go

76. good match so far

77. i just remembr if punk wins swagger andvickie will be banned from ringside at the wwe title match at the royal rumble

78. Punk with the elbow dive

79. punk wins but i think the ref may have botched that pinfall

80. recap of the fight from earlier tonight

81. and thats what i call marine biology

82. yeah Cena that wa really nice of you to give up your wwe title shot to give ryder another shot

83. you still need a character tweek though

84. Hey its the Bellas

85. sorry Brie but nikki is the A-lister

86. yes i know they are twins to anyone reading this :P

87. hey its ricardo

88. he speaks english ?

89. He came all the way from mexio so the bellas could give a message to del rio ?

90. Killerband is a mad man right now

91. hey its the miz again

92. ok so ricardo is gonna insult truth interesting

93. way to go ricardo you made the twins go away

94. who is the next inductee

95. horsemen :)

96. this is awesome congrats to all of the members of the four horsemen you all deserve it

97. ricardo these insults suck

98. lol at truth giving himself the odor test

99. at first when truth turned heel i thought he was palying a character now i really think that Creatives writing has driven him to the point of insanity

100. i dont blame him

101. la cocaracha

102. nice singing ricardo

103. oh man he accidently knocked the mic of truths hand

104. and ricardo realizes it

105. lol at truths face

106. i forgot the name of truths finisher

107. and there is the miz

108. and there he goes

109. y2j is up next

110. wow what a very flaterring intro for chris jericho

111. yes i see that introduction as a sign that jericho will be heel

112. here we go

113. this crowd sucks

114. jericho playing and controlling the crowd again

115. wow this crowd is so dull it made jericho cry

116 and there he goes

117. message to the WWE universe you were stopped and trolled by the wallas of jeritroll

118. more epic roayl rumble clips

119. hey its Eve

120. and her opponent Kane ?

121 i thought it was suppose to be beth

122. oh no what if kane got beth ?

123. even worse what if kane got kelly kelly :(


125. run ryder and eve run

126 flat tire

127. this is straight of a horror movie

128. just steal another car

129. tires and ryder dont go well

130. cena vs ziggler next

131. ziggler with a jobber entrance ?

132. this match wont last long

133. Oh no Kane got ryder

134. omg he chokeslammed him

135. and there goes cena

136. and here comes Kane

137. Kane got cena

138 what a nice but bizarre episode of raw

139. oh man kane got ryder and cena good i hope natalya and kelly kelly are ok

140. thank you and see you all next monday

Gamerguy's Random thoughts during the 1/2/2012 Monday Night Raw show

its notreally a review its just literallyrandom thoughts i had on some moments of yesterdays show

1. Memphis home of jerry lawler

2. and so we are back to the usual where Cena opens the show

3. your resolution is to wear less underwear ???

4. I want Kane to use the little voice thing he used back in his early day with the E it would be funny

5. Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes is not a bad a good thing

6. Cody Rhodes theme is so epic i wish it would play everytime i show up somewhere if not that then i will gladly take john morrison's theme after all he dont needit anymore..for now

7. Daniel Bryan wins via roll up how is he gonna get past the big show ?

8. if it aint jericho behind these promos alot of people are gonna be pissed off

9. scratch that i want Wade Barretts theme to play whenever i show up somewhere if not that then Cody Rhodes theme and if not that then John morrisons theme

10. Oh Santino if only you were serious you could do some damage in the mid card

11. lol i just remembered that time santino challenged jim Cornette to a fight and Cornette responded by saying im not gonna face a career jobber with a drinking problem

12. The Santino choo choo train ????

13. As cool as the winds of change move looks i dont think it hurts anyone that much

14. Santino lost without taking a finisher couldnt have happened to a nicer guy

15. Cole hasnt been really annoying tonight and yes thats a good thing

16. Zack Ryder is having so much fun i wish i could hang out with him

17. Eve feels so akward around him :lol:

18. cmon Eve give the guy a chance

19. Johnny Ace is a face one moment and a heel the next

20. Really miz? you cant remember the fact you attacked r-truth even though you were bragging about it 3 weeks ago down for a Ryder/Swagger feud it will help both guys in the end

22. Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger's names do end with ER and Zack Ryder is gonna send Swagger to the ER HAHA I LOVE IT

23. did john laurinitis day dream about john cena? he said his name twice and had this akward look as the camera zoomed in on him ????

24. I still cant beleive R-truth mimiced a duck but it was funny

25. Barrett's promo just replayed in my head this guy is awesoem and so is his accent

26. I hope one day to see a segment featuring Santino,Ryder,Mason Ryan,Wade Barrett,Sheamus,Drew Mcintyre and Jack Swagger. they all talk funny itwould be funny segment for me atleast

27. The Bellas havent seen Truth but they saw little jimmy

28. even though they are twins and obviously look very much alike i find Nikki Bella more attractive than Brie Bella

29. lol at Truth stalking the miz

30. I was waiting for R-truth to say be very quiet im hunting wabbits after he told the audience to shhh


32. MIZ



35. hey look its r-truth

36. its official r-truth and little jimmy made up

37. that kid seriously looked like justin beiber



40. Miz 2012 starts out with him receiving a falcon kick and the water bottler of doom

41. Punk vs ziggler is gonna be awesome

42. I miss layla when is she coming back

43. Punk vs Ziggler has been awesome so far

44. Ziggler is a fusion of mr perfect and billy gunn and thats a good thing

45. ziggler with the fameasser

46. billy gunnsmr.ass theme is playing in my head

47. you know for a cheesy theme it was kinda catchy and had a nice flow

48. wow laurinitis wow

49. wow punk took a rope to the nose and a hard floor to the face

50. Ziggler you didnt win the title

51. ziggler you didnt win the title

52. ziggler this is the third i have to tell you YOU DIDNT WIN THE TITLE

53. i just realize no brodus clay so far

54. lol at david otunga actually serving a purpose

55. im reall this close to starting an Alex Riley Revolution

56. scracth that ima start an Alex Riley and a take the tag team division serious movement

57. yayy more royal rumble clips

58. that was a good example of how to have a good pg wrestling show E

59. Punk did not just say that

60. wow that was so unexpected i think i hear every mom in the world yelling at their child to change the channel

61. Batista in the scorpion king 3 ?

62. i didnt like it when the rock was in it

63. Diva time

64. Bella twins

65. Eve time

66. Kelly kelly time

66. I dont care what anyone says Kelly Kelly is gorgeous and one of my favorite divas

67. Im actually glad Natalya isnt on tonight with the blackhawks and cm punk losing i will lose it if Natalya loses

68. nice moonsault

69. has Kelly Kelly finally snapped ?

70. twin magic

71. did they just botch a roll up

72. its ok the divas are actually improving they still have a while to go but that was a step in the right direction

73. i just realized no Beth Phoenix

74. i dont care about brodus clay debuting anymore he brought this on himself

75. Its time to see who was behind the IT begins promos


77. hes so excited

78. Whatis he doing

79. say something

80. lol he grabbed the camera

81. and he left WTF

82. im gonna rewatch that


84. Jericho you are a genious

85. hey my friend responded to my tweet in which i asked the E to put alex riley on tv

86. my friend thinks alex riley sucks

87. its time for the 6 man tag match

88. big show

89. ryder

90. cena


92. Henry

93. kane

94. where is kane ?

95. Kane you look like david otunga

96. ok so Kane doesnt wanna participate i dont blame him other than ryder i dont care about eh rest

97. scratch that i do care mark henry please be careful

98. E stop putting henry in the ring if he injures his ankle even more its on you guys safety first

99. did henry just get Dqd for almost using a chair

100. lol at the cena big show conversation

101. its ryder

102. back to cena

103. 5 moves of doom time

104. move 1

105. move 2

106. move 3

107. move 4

108 move 5

109. pin and win

110. oh oh its kane

111. Cena you are a complete moron

112. did he just come from under the ring


114. thank for saving ryder you still need a character change though

115. what wouldve happened if cena didnt save ryder

116. oh i see he wouldve been burnd to a crisp

117. that pyro is awesome

118. i hope hornswoggle wasnt under there if so R.I.P hornswoggle

Gamerguy's WWE predictions for 2012

well everyone as 2012 comes closer and closer i have to say i for the most part enjoyed it and I also enjoyed watching the WWE this year.

Having seen WWE for the first time since 2007 i saw how the company has fallen but at the same time i saw how there is hope for the company as well.

with that here are some predictions for what i think will happen in 2012 for the WWE

these are in no order here we go

1. Daneil Bryan will win the World or WWE title i can feel it its gonna happen

2. A low card title either cruiserweight,light heavy weight or European title will be brought back ( think of how much fun it will be it can even be defended on both shows)

3. Drew Mcintyre will rise again this guy is way to talented to be misused

4. Natalya will win the divas championship I HART NATALYA

5. The bella twins will feud with each other

6. Chris Jericho will be the one revealed behind the it begins promos SAVE US

7. Stone Cold will come back for one final match HELL YEAH

8. Edge will come back to be the Raw or Smackdown GM

9. Alberto Del Rio will drop to low mid card

10. Goldust and Cody Rhodes will have a career vs title match at Wrestlemania i dont care what the officials are saying i think it will happen

11. Ziggler will become WWE champion

12. Jack Swagger will be taken serious again

13. Alex Riley will be involved in the U.S. title hunt for real this time

14. Ted Dibiase will be the one to defeat Cody Rhodes for the intercontinental title

15. Zack Ryder will have a lengthy run with the U,S. title

16. A power stable will return

17. Shawn Michaels will return in a non wrestling role

18. Michael cole will leave the announce table and become a manager

19. Zack Ryder and Alberto Del Rio will feud for the U.S. title and each will have a bella on their side

20. The Miz will turn face and win the WWE titleits only a matter of time

21. Dolph Ziggler will turn face by dropping Vickie Geurerro

22. R- Truth will win a title again

23. Sheamus will win the World title

24. Barrett will feud with sheamus over the World title

25. It will be an epic feud

26. Barett will capture the World title

27. John Morrison will return

28. Eve will turn on Kelly Kelly and feud with her

29. Kelly Kelly will go psycho and show us her dark side

30.The Raw rating will hit the 4.0 mark the real way

31. The Rock will stick around after wrestlemania

32. John Cena will turn heel this little boos dont bug me storyline will reach its climax

33. John Cena will bring back the mega heel

34. Cena will lead a heel stable

35. CM Punk, The Miz and Zack Ryder will be the ones to take down his stable

Well that is all i know some of these are crazy but hey you never know in the world of the WWE till then Cya around and leave a comment