its Wrestlemania season and we all know the match that everyone is looking forward John Cena vs The Rock.
Now the biuldup for this match actually started in febuary 2011 when the rock as announced as the guest host of Wrestlemania 27.
After costing Cena the WWe title match the very next day Cena vs The rock was booked.
as we get closer and closer to april 1st i get more excited about mania but now here is the tricky part how do you book this match you would think that it would be simple seeing as the rock came back for this match but as more and more reports of him wrestling at mania 29 surface could the result here lead to a rematch at another mania ? here are the scenarios i thought of in no particular order.
1. The rock pins Cena and Cena turns heel
The rock could pin cena and then after the match cena could offer to shake his hand but at the last second attacks the rock and destroys infront of his home town turning heel and sending the rock back to hollywood in pieces. From there we could have a cena who is more determined than ever to have a rematch with the rock.
2. The Rock pins Cena and they shake hands
this would be an interesting scenario The rock pins cena and then they just shake hands and call it a night. from there Cena will just have to live down the fact that he couldnt beat the rock but will Vince I wont push alex riley and Natalya Mcmahon let that happen to his golden boy ?
3. Cena gets disqualified and turns heel
i dont expect this happen but lets just say after a 3rd AA the rock kicks out and cena's frustration builds to the point where he cant take it anymore and delivers a low blow to the rock and starts beating the crap out of him.....
4. The Rock gets disqualified
definetly wont happen but if it may pissed off alot of people
5. The match ends in a double count out or never has a finish
This could be used to set up a rematch but it could turn people away from the product so i dont see it happening
6. Cena pins the rock cleanly and they shake hands
If this happens all hell in miami will break loose and a majority of the adult fans may never watch theE again. in all honesty if this scenario happens it will be a dissapointment to me.
7. Cena pins the rock and turns heel
Cena could pin the rock gloat at the fact that he beat the rock and then proceed to destroy him and turn heel. what this scenario can do if the rumors of the rock wrestling at mania 29 are true this can be used to establish Cena as the mega heel from there The Rock could return for summerslam or survivor series and at one of those events the rock could pin Cena and then set up the tie breaker for mania 29.
Now there is one more scenario and i thought of this last night and I DONT EXPECT THIS TO HAPPEN AT ALL THIS ONE IS MORE OF A FANTASY BOOKING THING BUT LETS SAY
(Fantasy booking scenario ) Cena pins the rockbecause Eve caused a distraction after the match Cena embracesEve therefor breaking the Loyalty commandmentfrom there Cena signals to backstage where a group of disgruntled heel superstars who are upset at the fact that the rock came back and took a mania spot from them come out and join Cena in a beat down of the rock
henry,christian,ziggler,mcintyre etc.
from there a power stable is born and vince and johnny Ace are revealed as the guys behind it it could set up a nice power struggle storyline in the process as well
but like i said i dont expect that happen at all.
Well those are all the scenarios i could think of
leave a comment let me know what you think