@IanNottinghamX: Youre a tool, youre a fucking clueless tool. THIS game is RESIDENT EVIL at the CORE. It does EVERYTHING OG REs used to do except for the first person camera which imo feels great and MUCH better than the overdone,tired over-the-shoulder 3rd person garbage.
@cherub1000: This. The game runs flawlessly even on a vanilla pS4, you may sometimes notice a few textures take a couple seconds to load after saving at a typewriter but the game is simply jaw-dropping graphically. The gameplay is also miles above Outlast. The item management, save rooms wher eyou can actually catch a breath and are simply remeniscent of the OG RE save rooms. The game is amazing imo, I might be 2/3 through on normal but Im deff going through again after that on madhouse difficulty.
Never played a game in this serie before(as I never owned a playstation before the ps3) but man I REALLY want to play this and its deff the first game I purchase after Im done with re7.
Edit: Nvm Ill do like others have said below,wait for KH1 and 2.5 (or whatever) ports to PS4 in march and then play this.
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