@donjuancorleone: If you played the demo you would know that its not as weird as they make it look like in the ''gameplay footages''. Those gmaeplay trailers are far too on-rails and cinematic to be someone who was actually playing.
I want sooo much for this game to be great. I havent been this hyped fora game in a long time I really hope the pre-loading on PS4 will work flawlessly so I can enjoy this game next week at midnight.
@snugglebear: Haha no doubt about that since they kinda force you to choose the name Link for your character now might as well stick with the original horse name. Anyway, I wonder if you actually end up with the real Epona somewhere further in the game... I still enjoy the fact you can actually get to pick the horse you like the most.
@wtf_666: I never cared about pokemon except back when I was 9 during the first gen and collecting/trading cards at school and owned pokemon blue on my GBC.
Ps4/X1 didnt have SHIT at launch worthy of a early purchase either. At least the switch is getting the GOTY day 1 unlike the turds that were rise and killzone. Just a bunch of pretentious,entitled ''know-it-alls'' who actually dont know shit but how to talk shit behind a screen. ALl the fucking hating sheeps herding together feels like Wii U all over again.
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