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Just picked up Final Fantasy XII

I just picked up FFXII because it looked so cool. I played the others and I thought they were ok but I mostly play them for the story. They also have cool moves when fighting. I bought it for 50 bucks at wal-mart so I lost a lot of money but I think the game will be worth it.

I have yet to play it but Im posting this now because once I start the game I dont think I'll be online for a while. Maybe a little bit to get some help because if I remember correctly FF games are usually challanging and I only played 3 (FF8, FF10, FF10-2). FFXII here I come.

Video Games Piss Me Off

Does this happen to anyone like when there close to beating some level or something? Like when my friend was at my house we were playing Mario Party (The one on the N64, the first one) and he never played it. When I play against a friend I dont get mad when I lose but he does. He has a short temper and he was very mad once he lost.

Then we decided not to play any games where we verse each other. So we started playing The Warriors and we were fine. Now for me. I was playing online (forgot what for I think it was MGS: PO for the PSP) and when people use the dumbest weapons I start cussing at my game or when people are on my team and they do something stupid I act like they can hear me and start swearing and all that.

Last night I finished playing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and thats a easy game but it sure did piss me off. First the cutscenes were so quiet I couldnt hear anything and people said it was my messed up game. Well I could deal with that but the thing I couldnt deal with was the freezing and the little bugs. They pissed me off so bad I threw the controller at the ground and I usually dont do that (Only did it twice in my lifetime).

 Despite a few bugs its still a great game pick it up if you can.

Does this happen to any of you when you play video games? If so what did you do (like I threw the controller to the ground)? Thanks for reading.

My guess on who's gunna win the "Console Wars"

The question is who's gunna win the console wars by sales. Well The Xbox 360 has been out a lot longer then the PS3 and the Wii which gave it a big advantage but the Wii is already catching up. I think because of the cheap price the Wii will sell the most for the first 1-2 years. Once the PS3 gets a price drop Im guessing it will win over Japan (because of the popular Square Enix games and Level 5) which wont be that hard because its already in second on sales.

People are saying that since the 360 has already sold 10 million so there guessing another 10 million before the end of the year but I would be surprised if it sold 6 million by the end of next year. The reason why I think it sold so well is because it was out before the PS3 was and the hardcore xbox players have already bought the console but who knews my prediction could end up wrong.

The PS3 is last in sales right now and Im guessing they will be in last for the next two years but if the Blue-Ray ends up beating the DVD player and that becomes the next format for movies I would guess that the PS3's would be flying off shelves because people would rather buy a cheaper Blue-ray player that also plays games. So my prediction in who sells the most is...

1. PS3

2. Wii

3. 360

But I wouldnt be surprised if the sales came out like this either...

1. 360

2. Wii

3. PS3

What is your opinion I would like to know?

Does sex sell games?

The subject of the matter is "Does sex sell games"? Do they help the game sell? Well thats a good question. This is just what I think but I really dont think it does help video games sell. I mean games like God of War. Would it have sold if there was no naked girls in the game? Im pretty sure it would have. When people found out about the Hot Coffee thing in GTA sales didnt rise for the game. Look at Leisure Suit Larry or The Guy Game. They both sold pretty horribly and boobs were all that they were about. So Honestly I dont think girls naked do anything to video games. They dont help them sell. If anybody else wants to add something or prove me wrong please do so because I could be wrong with some of the things I said.