Does this happen to anyone like when there close to beating some level or something? Like when my friend was at my house we were playing Mario Party (The one on the N64, the first one) and he never played it. When I play against a friend I dont get mad when I lose but he does. He has a short temper and he was very mad once he lost.
Then we decided not to play any games where we verse each other. So we started playing The Warriors and we were fine. Now for me. I was playing online (forgot what for I think it was MGS: PO for the PSP) and when people use the dumbest weapons I start cussing at my game or when people are on my team and they do something stupid I act like they can hear me and start swearing and all that.
Last night I finished playing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and thats a easy game but it sure did piss me off. First the cutscenes were so quiet I couldnt hear anything and people said it was my messed up game. Well I could deal with that but the thing I couldnt deal with was the freezing and the little bugs. They pissed me off so bad I threw the controller at the ground and I usually dont do that (Only did it twice in my lifetime).
Despite a few bugs its still a great game pick it up if you can.
Does this happen to any of you when you play video games? If so what did you do (like I threw the controller to the ground)? Thanks for reading.
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