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Suicide Missionary


=I beat Gears of War 2 on Insaneo


=Well sort of, I had help with one, 2 minute portion.

=Damn you Trey, why'd you have to help me:P

After winning the game on insane, I can safely say its not as hard as Gears 1. There were several parts that took a long time to complete on Gears 1, almost in a trial and error fashion. Gears of War 2, had some, but they werent as difficult as the ones in the first.


In case your wondering, Gears 2 on insane starts off pretty difficult:P

The difficulty continuously increases over the acts, it does not decrease:o

That is until a certain part. I do believe the difficulty in Gears 2 peaks in Act IV. There were a certain few parts that really gave me hell. So much hell that, hey controller punching and throwing at the ground began again (been a while since ive done that>__>)

However, on the last chapter of Act 4, the difficulty starts to decline. Not to say the game stops being difficult, but the approaching battles arent nearly as devestating as prior ones.

So yah there you go. Now i just have to wait a few years for Fallout 3 to arrive and then I can play that:D

Gameshark5's ficticious fact of the day:

90% of all quitters never win.

Until next time