This one is just in case anyone stumbles across this by accident (or on purpose, which is nice :P).
I just realised I rate a lot of games very highly, but I do have a reason. I tend not to buy a game until I have read enough about it or watched enough videos to know it is good anyway (and with the dawning of the demos on my 360, knowing whether or not to buy a game is getting easier).
So, when I buy a game I can only have high hopes for it. This has very rarely failed me, however, Perfect Dark Zero was the biggest let down I have ever experienced, but that is for a different post.
This is just to say that if you are looking for a good game and can't choose, it might just be a good idea to check out my (or anyone else's for that matter) scores for them, because the personal touch is usually pretty reliable. Now, to make myself a banner for here...
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