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Top 5 wii games before E3 08

Top 5 Wii games

1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - this game was a fun and addictive game to play. They added more fun and exiting charecters to the lineup and even some secret one to blow your mind. They had many controlls that you could use but they were all great and you picked the one that fited you. The story mode and the cut seens in this game were great it really got you on trake and new what was going on. This game was fantstic.

2. Super Mario Galaxy - this game had put a lot of thougth into and mario and his freinds made there way up into space this time. The levels in this game were funer as you go on. You unloke new partes to your home base as you get more stars and it keeps pulling you in to seen what awaits next. The gamplay all fits together perfectly and it is another great 3D mario adventure.

3. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princes - this is another game you need to have in your collection. After all these yearas a new legend of zelda has appeard. This game you have to keep on coming back to play more. You start training and doing derty work and make your way to a hero. You get more items you have to get ones in a while and the gameplay is great. Zelda hit the spot again with another great game.

4. Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption - this game started off with a bamb. The story line ends in this game but it ends with a great one. The controlls in this game fit into the gamplay perfectly. You get upgrads to your suit once in a while to get new technology which makes it funer to play. The story was clear and great but it is to bad Metroid Prims Story came to a close.

5. Mario Kart Wii - the mario kart series was an instent hit but this one had it own uniqe ways. The new motion controld steering weel was a great way to play. It had no downfalls. They added great and uniqe new trakes to the stage and even retro wich was a great idea. This game had a lot of changes to it but the changes I thought made it better for the wii. This game is addicting and great to play.