Civ4 is a game requiring lots of balancing strategies or else loss is inevitable. In fact, I lost the 4th time because I expanded quickly, eliminating my neighboring French civ, and then producing military units like crazy. City upkeep reached extremely high (-20/turn) that funds in my treasury plummeted in few moves, disbanding all my military and starting an age of strikes. Moral: Never expand too fast! </p>
Civilization 4 - Playing Arabian Empire
by gandideman on Comments
There are tons of different civilizations in Civ4, I decided to start with the Arabian Empire and become an expert at it. Well, I played 4 games so far, each lasting between 2-6 hours, and lost them all. Lost the first 2 because of barbarians that randomly attack my empire. After I had increased the amount of military influence and expanded my borders, I lost again to other civilizations that waged war. Diplomacy is available and sometimes I do keep foreign civs happy, but if they want to expand, they will attack no matter what the cause.
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