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ganonsbane33 Blog

Links to my Zelda battle videos

Ok so I have to wait a little longer to get my videos on Gamespot, but I did put them on YouTube.
Keep in mind that they are pretty dark, after all they are dark fights, and they were my first two videos from a game. Bear with me.:D

For the Ganondorf fight, go here:

For the Ganon fight, go here:

Hope you guys enjoy!

I FREAKING DID IT!!!!!!!! The final day of the Zelda Challenge.

Well I did it. I beat the dreaded KIng of Evil with the lowest amount of health avaliable. I kind of struggled with Ganon (not Ganondorf mind you). I figure that my adrenaline was running because I knew that if I lost this fight I would have to do it all over again. But I think it made it more dramatic in the end. I was able to record each fight, but, because I am not level 10 yet, I cannot post them. Oh well, I guess you guys have to wait...unless I can gain that freedom by becoming a paying subscriber. I'll look into it. I can't wait to post the videos and see what you guys think!:D

FINALLY! I'M BACK. Day 8 of the Zelda Challenge

Ok I know that i haven't updated in a very long time but honestly I have had no time to play until recently. I collected the fourth bottle and pulled through the Desert Colossus without a hitch. Let me tell you, with only three hearts, iron knuckles are beasts. I had to pull some crazy sword play against those armored bohemoths because one hit spelled my doom. Twinrova has always been one of my favorite bosses. I could never understand how to ugly chicks could turn into one hot chick. Oh well, i guess that is one of life's mysteries. Anyway, i am headed off to find Ganon and beat him. I do have a question to anyone who reads this: Should I or would anyone like to see me record the final fights and post them here? Let me know.

Day 7 of the Zelda Challenge

It was a dark and stormy night. The lightning flashed outside the house as a teenage boy defeated the dreaded Bongo Bongo of the Shadow Temple. Indeed I did beat the Shadow temple tonight, and it really was stormy. Kind of ironic, huh? lol. Anyways, this temple has always been kind of cool to me, even though it kind of gives me the creeps. The men's choir singing the minor key ballad in the background still sends chills down my spine. I also had to defeat the catacombs mini dungeon before I could venture in to Bongo Bongo's home. The Eye of Truth is pretty important. Bongo Bongo did give me the most trouble out of any of the bosses until I remembered how to lay the smack down on him. Being a drummer myself (even though I play the trapset and not the bongos), Bongo Bongo has always been one of my favorite bosses. I was kind of sad to see him go.......nevermind. It passed. I only have one more dungeon to beat before I go and face Ganondorf, but this one happens to be my favorite, the Desert Temple. Off I go...

Day 6 of the Zelda Challenge

I beat the Water Temple today. Thank God. I 'm not a big fan of that temple; there's just too much backtracking. Don't get me wrong, it's good in it's own right, just a bit tedious at times. Morpha wasn't too difficult. He (or she?) takes and deals a goodly amount of damage. Dark Link was actually fairly simple. Once you figure out how to get past his defense (which I already knew), he can be defeated quickly. Now Kakariko village is on fire and I'm headed there to find out why. PS: If you want to check out a translated version of the official Ocarina of TIme manga, go to this link: It's a good retelling. It doesn't follow the game as far as dungeon exploring goes. It's more of a way it could have happened. It goes into more depth about some things, like Ingo going psycho and Link's girl chasing. It's pretty sweet.

Day 5 of the Zelda Challenge

I died for the first time during a boss battle today. Volvagia tore me apart. I had forgotten that his hire breath did three hearts of damage, which, coincidentally, is my full health allowance. lol. Anyways, I beat him and now I'm headed for the water temple. Sadly, the water temple is not my favorite. Far from it actually. But I will persevere and I will beat Ganon and save Hyrule. After all, I am the Hero of TIme.

Day 4 of the Zelda Challenge

I beat the Forest temple today. I have always liked it, but I tend to get lost in it no matter how many times I play. lol. Anyways, this is the first time that the playeer encounters Stalfos in the game, and let me tell you they are hardcore when you only have three hearts. Any time that they use a jump attack, it does two hearts worth of damage, which is pretty intense with only the base heart meter. The ghost sisters, Beth, Joelle, Amy and Meg were easy enough to beat. Phantom Ganon was a little tougher. Thank God for fairies, though he would have slaughtered me at one point. lol. It was always pretty sad for Saria to become a Sage, though. Even though Link shows no emotion in the game, I bet he was crying. Or not. Only four dungeons left (not counting Ganons Tower) so I better start suiting up.

Day 3 of the Zelda Challenge

Yeah, I know that Day 2 and Day 3 were posted on the same "day" but I finished Day 2 yesterday. lol. On Day 3 however, I beat the third dungeon(Which happens to be my least favorite. Oh well, now it's out of the way). The thing that bugs me the most is that almost every enemy in Jabu-Jabu electricutes you! It bugs the heck out of me! Not to mention the fact that you have to lug around princess Ruto's royal butt everywhere you go. But, now that I'm done fuming, I digress. I have collected 3 of the 4 bottles, but I can't remember where the last one is to save my life. I've recieved the one from Talon and the one with Ruto's note in it. Also the one from the cuckoo girl in Kakariko. I have a few ideas but I want to make sure that they are not heart pieces, because I can only afford 3 and I've already recieved 1. Otherwise my goal is void. Now, of course, I am off to take a 7 year nap and wake up to a desolate wasteland that was once Hyrule castle town. Yeah!

Day 2 of the Zelda Challenge

Working really slows down my time to play video games. But I need money. lol. Anyways, I beat the second dungeon yesterday. It wasn't too bad. I kinda zoomed through it considering that I didn't get the map or compass, just the bomb bag. I've only died once, but I had a fairy so it was ok. I expect to die many more times, so I should always keep a supply of fairies. I died on Death Mountain's slopes where the burning rocks fall on Link. Who ever knew that those extra two hearts made such a difference. Now I'm off to save my future fiance, Ruto. Jabu-Jabu, here I come.

Day 1 of the Zelda Challenge

I've decided to attempt to beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TIme with only 3 hearts. I've been a Zelda champ for a while, but this is something I've never done before. So far I have beaten the first dungeon(the Great Deku Tree) and have made it to the second, which is Dodongo Cavern. I have to say that it was extremely difficult to pass up the first heart container. It felt so un-natural. Oh well, that's what makes it a challenge i guess.