Thanks for nothing ! A nice guy at Gamestop helped me solve the problem. This forum sucks.
gapman's forum posts
I am curious why no one responded to my. Cheat activation Q below ? Seemed like a reasonable
I am in free roam and when I attempt to enter a cheat code( xbox 360)
When I hit the right dpad the phone comes up and blocks the cheat ! I have
Tried looking at all game settings, but I can't figure out what's wrong.
I have entered. Odes really fast, it that phone pops up-any tips Tha ks
I spotted this game for $7.95 at Gamestop and bought it. I loaded it up, patched it completley and also purchased the Vietnam Expanmsion Pack. What a GREAT game ! It is as good a FPS as I have ever had(graphics reality/reality, gameplay, destructible environments, ect.). I had Battlefield 3 and traded it in. The single player was lousy and multiplayer was overwhemimng for me. This game is much more enjoyable and there are still folks playing on multipllayer and the Vietnam Pack(although I wondered-are the enemies bots or human players on the Vietnam Pack ?)
Cmon guys-Help me out. I have watched youtube walkthroughs, read tips-BUT, I can't seem to get through this room with the tubes using the spider robot. What am i missing ? Should I start the mission over again ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.I have tried this for 2-3 hours, but I can never find the opening out of the room. I just keep falling off the tubes and startung again.
stuck in  room on spiferrobot and. CanT get out-how do I DO. IT ? Specific directions appreciated.Â
I bought the Dead Island GOTY Ediiton and I can't seem to enable the Ripper Weapon. I see it(+ other DLC in the GOTY Ediiton), but I cant' seem to use it immediately. How do I accomplish this ? Do I have to waity until I reach a later stage of the game ? I thought it would be there immediately. This also goes for other two DlC packs in the GOTY Ediiton. Thanks.
I have just left the Citidel for the first yime and am now on the Normandy. I have explored all around the ship, looked at the Galaxy station and played around, NUT-I can't figure out what to do to launch a mission/quest from the ship ??? What "triggers" the game to continue from your first trip on the Normandy ? Thanks
Probably a stupid Q from a new player !!!
I have been playing computer games for 40 years ! PC games, now XBOX 360 games. I have seen it all(Flight Simd, FPS, RPG, Strategy).My philosophy of gaming has evolves though all these decades and now I just buy the games after I play the demo and like it. Picked up Sniper Elite 2 and it is a blast ! Love sniper games and it is a great departure from the COD, Battlefield 3 games( all super games in their own right). I don't get to involved in the "reality" of the setting, play the game the way I want(like cadet or casual or any way I have fun-it's my $$). This is what's so great about this hobby. You can be transported to a "fantrasy" adventure through gerat technology. I would advise all younger gamers to just go where you get enjoyment. Don't get hung up on reviews. Yo be the judge. There is ALWAYS another game atounf the bend. Gaming is the cheapest form of entertainment there is. Think of all the hundreds of hours one gets out of a $6- game ! You can blow $60 in a bar in 3 hours of a few beers and a good burger and fries/
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