Sadly I know exactly what you are talking about and can picture it in my head, but for the life of me I can't think of the name, I'll look around see if I can find it.
I have to admit that the first time I played The Witcher, I was like "wow, what a **** game". Then after beating DA:O I went back and gave it a second chance. Once you get used to the strange controls its actually an awesome game. I even liked it more than DA:O. But I am a hardcore RPG'er and if you are just a rpg player as long as there's enough action than you're probably not an rpg'er. Also the voice acting was done exactly how they wanted it. It's a dark game and is supposed to be a little campy. I thought it was very well put together, I just hope they fix the movement system in the 2nd one.
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