garretthetheif Blog
havent done much
by garretthetheif on Comments
currently trying to beat 007:everything or nothing
but the next reviwe will be for project EDEN
8) Garret signing out
the next game reviwe
by garretthetheif on Comments
in this reviwe I'm goint to do half life
the game itself is fairly easy to play. Well start with the monsteres, overall ther pretty easy to a pro but to a new player they might be a little challenge. the crabby patties are the smalles challenge (pun not intended) the are fast when they jump at you so duck.
the guns are all good (even the crowbar) they all have a second function with the exception of the crowbar.
pistol: main: spaced shots, sec: faster fire rate
colt: main: single sht, sec: scope(multiplayer only)
m16: main:macine gun, sec: grenade lancher
shotgun: main: single shot, sec: 2 shots at once
crossbow: main: single shot (exploding arrows in multi) sec: scope
those are just the first few guns I'll let you find out the rest.
the graphics are fairly good not too much modification the sound is better but the story line rmains the same ( ah love the classics) the game has good replayability and multieplayer never loses its fun (unless your freind is a fun sucker) overall I would recommend this game to most people who like classics and fps
P.S: i'll be updating this later so check back
8) Garret out
how to have fun
by garretthetheif on Comments
step one: get some freinds to come to your house.
step two: start the game
step three: make a challenge for your freinds to beat
heres a good example for perfect dark (n64)
have a freind leave the room then put the weapon set up on prox mines and one gun then plant the mines anywher and tell your freind to come back and heve him get from point a to point b without getting killed.
sounds easy but with time you get better at placing hard to reach places and it becomes more challenging
8) Garret out
maybe a little early but oh well
by garretthetheif on Comments
I'll be reviwing PROJECT EDEN.
the game is fairly striait forward but it has challenges without fail and belive me most of them arnt going to be as easy as you think. ther is over 10 big levels of challenge to play through and ther all fun. The weapons of the game is of course one of the best parts, ther are only 12 diffrent weapons and items to use but they all have second funtions (some funer then others) and the multiplayer levals are all fun (the game is four player by the way) and most of the levels will keep you on your feet (or in the air). back to the weapons for a minute or two, they all share the same ammunition so you'll have to keep recharging your charecter quiet often and the guns also are good fun, my favorite is by far the time distorter (my freind thinks its cheap because it slows down time in the blast area) and the other weapons are just as much fun. the single player is a little more frusterating then anything and the story is compleat :roll: but what can you do? it's basic point A to point B, not much.
overall I would recomand this game to any shooter fan
8) Garret out
one more thing
by garretthetheif on Comments
p.s: i'll be posting a new reviw next week so check back soon
8) Garret out
just a game rivew today
by garretthetheif on Comments
p.s: this is me first reviw so check constintly for updates and new reviws
8) Garret out
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