this reviw is earlyer then i promised but what the hey.
I'll be reviwing PROJECT EDEN.
the game is fairly striait forward but it has challenges without fail and belive me most of them arnt going to be as easy as you think. ther is over 10 big levels of challenge to play through and ther all fun. The weapons of the game is of course one of the best parts, ther are only 12 diffrent weapons and items to use but they all have second funtions (some funer then others) and the multiplayer levals are all fun (the game is four player by the way) and most of the levels will keep you on your feet (or in the air). back to the weapons for a minute or two, they all share the same ammunition so you'll have to keep recharging your charecter quiet often and the guns also are good fun, my favorite is by far the time distorter (my freind thinks its cheap because it slows down time in the blast area) and the other weapons are just as much fun. the single player is a little more frusterating then anything and the story is compleat :roll: but what can you do? it's basic point A to point B, not much.
overall I would recomand this game to any shooter fan
8) Garret out
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