I was born at 1998 in Czech Republic. Sadly at the age of 12, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome what explaining my poor social abilities. People like me are marked as "retards" and no one IT school wants accept me. I wanted to show them how terribly they were wrong in me, not only in me but in other people like myself. At the age of 12, I started working with a tool called Game Maker, and at the age of 15 I started to learn the C # programming language. When I was 16, I finished my first game that I could not publish due to the copyright of the music used in the game. In autumn 2017, I finished the first public game named War City. I was working in GameMaker Studio for one year, then, i started to use Unity3D for 3 years and ultimately, I hopped on FOSS train and decided to use GoDot Engine. Using GoDot engine was quckly followed with switching to linux Ubuntu with XFce.
I'm always happy to help others, usually friendly, sometimes sarcastic. I generally like animals more than humans. Due to my introvert-ish character I prefer to avoid others than to talk to them but I have no problems to communicate over internet, phone or anything but direct in-person contact.
Check out GoDot Engine, game engine you was waiting for !
Tooth with me on Mastodon !
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