I've decided to include an "Astoundingly Memorable Soundtrack Cue" blog thing. It'll be updated weekly, and basically it'll mention one particularly awesome track in a score that stood out.
This week's astoundingly memorable cue is Chevaliers DeSangreal of "The Da Vinci Code." Written by Hans Zimmer, it's the best track in the score (and possibly the only good one in the score). Though it may be a diamond in the rough, it manages to surpass most of Zimmer's previous work and stands tall as one of his best tracks ever.
Though it clocks in at 4 minutes and 9 seconds, it manages to hold your attention the whole way through due to its mesmerizing string theme and its amazing buildup. The score itself is well-worth purchasing for this track alone.
Sadly, I can't possibly put it into words - so I'm just going to post a link to the track here.
:) Enjoy!