Taking a break from the list...I would not consider myself a game player...literally or figuratively, but of late, I have become relatively obsessed with the Settlers of Catan. Since I am living in Germany, it was basically inevitable that I be exposed to this game. It seems Europeans take their gameplaying quite seriously, which I find somewhat odd, since it doesn't quite jive with my notions about Europeans...anyhow...Have you played this game and any of the variations? It is fantastic. I hate monopoly and risk, yet this game is closest to a combination of the two, but so much better. I am much more of a Trivial Pursuit/Turbo Cranium kinda gal, but this game is addictive. It has become my new favorite gift to give.
Anyhow, name your games.
As a random sidenote, do you have any TV based games of your own design? Dawson's Creek and CSI have both inspired many a game based on Joey's mannerisms (crooked smile, shrugging of shoulders, and pushing her hair behind her ear...the trifecta) and what I lovingly refer to as Grissomisms, although you can play with any of the spinoffs...