From what I gather, you are looking to use 2 video cards in the SLI configuration vs using one really good video card. In my personal opinion, i would go w/ one good video card. Games are only beginning to take advantage of SLI. Furthermore, from a pure memory standpoint, Im pretty sure that if you're using SLI configuration, the amount of video memory available is still only the amount of video memory available on one of the video cards (i think its the one w/ the lowest memory). So, in example, if your using two video cards where one has 512MB and the other 256 MB, you wouldn't get 768MB total VRAM, but instead only 256MB of VRAB that is split across both cards.
I think what NVIDIA meant when they said uninstall your old driver was that, if you're replacing an old video card. You would have to uninstall that old video card before installing the drivers for the new one. BUt if you're looking to upgrade driver, it's quite easy.
The process is pretty simple from there on out. It will give you a download link. Download the driver setup, run it, reboot. If you have ne problems post back :)
I would stick with brand name video cards such as EVGA, XFX, etc. The GPU is not the sole part of the video card. Although it is the main part, a high end GPU will need a high end cooling system and such to take advantage of it fully. THe cheaper brands tend to keep the GPU but sacrifice some essential components in favor of a cheaper price. Only way i would get a non-brand model is if you an find credible reviews on it that are good. As a rule, I never buy video card w/o reading several professional and user reviews on it. It's gives a a good overall on the card and it's flaws as well as its advantages. :)
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