@noah364 Transformers' poor quality had nothing to do with having action and babes. Kill Bill and Roadhouse were both great films because they were fun and well directed.
If you want video games to be taken seriously as an artform, then you need to allow artists creative freedom to explore and create whatever they desire to create. No artform ever flourished through the advocacy of censorship. And that's exactly what you and this ignorant reviewer are championing.
@beowulf66677 @gavinfawley1 @nick_capozzoli If you are playing a zombie game where the point is to murder people, show hot babes, and celebrate all the fun and ridiculousness of a roadhouse b-movie then complain about "insensitivity" then all you are displaying is that the game isn't made for you. A review disparaging an intentionally politically incorrect game for being politically incorrect is a poor and uninformative review. This game should have been reviewed by another member of the staff.
@Gelugon_baat @gavinfawley1 Walking Dead is a dramatic visual novel, not a celebration of zombie movie ciches. You're ranking games based on their adherence to social justice.
@nick_capozzoli @beowulf66677 The reason your review is bad is because you don't understand that social "stereotypes" or being "sexist" in a form of creative expression does not have anything to do with the quality or fun of a video game. You chose to give the game an undeserved low review score because of personal politics. Your biases have deluded your ability to critique and evaluate video games.
@Gelugon_baat @gavinfawley1 Criticizing a video game based on the zombie b-movie genre as having "tropes" makes no sense. That is supposed to be the fun and interest in it. You're hiding behind the "tropes" excuse to mask political outrage over not adhering to social justice rhetoric.
@Gelugon_baat @gavinfawley1 Accusing aspects of a game of being "sexist" is not identifying a trope. It's protesting based on politics. And it has nothing to do with the quality or enjoyment of a video game.
gavinfawley1's comments