what games do you have for the ps3? add me if you like "gazso10"
gazso10's forum posts
resistance 2 and cod5 is better than kilzone 2 by far dont get me wrong kilzones graphics are sweet i think they hyped it too much i dont see how they got a 9
to be honest i dont know if it is ! dont get me wrong graphics are better but thats about it
not true when i had heavnly sword i still had standard tv it works fine
wait why when you use the knife would they not let you run or even move ?damned if a bunch a zombies chasing me and all i have is a knife,i would stay in one place slashing it doesnt make since
I remember in a COD4 match some brazilian guy was playing i'm a barbie girl into his mic the whole match. God it was so annoying, can't imagine what it would be like on live. Then another match 13 yr old was hosting and some foreign guy came in and the 13 yr old started harassing the guy cause he wouldn't shut up. Then they both ended up on my team.FF6fan
thats why its great to be able to turn off annoying peoples mic during game
thats not real dude it says playboy in the corner!This is sad. Just sad. I would recommend if kids can refrain from seeing it. I love Sony, but now I like it a little less. I don't even get it.
Not for the faint of heart!
blame sony for getting the worst of everything and overpaying just for problems like this. this is why i am switching to xboxIxDRAILxIxbox 360 has the same problem so you blame rockstar
36 and 8 games
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