Next month is, simply put, going to be totally awesome for PC gamers. I can't remember the last time so many highly anticipated games were scheduled to come out in the same month for the PC, or any system really. Not only are they highly anticipated, but considering the line up it seems as though a great many of them, if not all of them, are actually going to be excellent games (the ones on my most wanted list anyway). Here's my most wanted list for October in no particular order:
Isn't that just nutty? If you aren't aware of why this list is just plain nutty, then perhaps you should just click on any of those game titles and find out more about them. And do you notice how many roman numerals are attached to the end of those titles? Who ever said sequelitis was a bad thing? Now all I have to do is find a way to pay for all of these games and I will be in gaming heaven.