Thats right, you guessed it! Adventure games!
What happened exactly? I mean these games used to get popped out like there was no tomorrow. But now it is tomorrow, for Adventure games anyway, and not many people seem to care. I mean, The Adventure Company makes their attempts and occasionally succeeds, but for the most part fails miserably. The largest glimmer of hope was The Longest Journey, and a huge glimmer it was, but it seems that even a game such as that won't save this dying genre. I guess the attention span of the average gamer just isn't enough to latch on to a game that doesn't involve moving faster than one of natures slower animals ( i.e. the turtle or the snail). So it's in the game developer's, and their wallet's, best interest to make games that hold the attention of the average gamer; something that Adventure games just don't do. Also, since technology has allowed developers to make faster, more graphically impressive games, the visceral experience of video games has gone through the roof. The technology required to make the best possible Adventure game was reached over a decade ago so I suppose it makes sense that developers spend most of their time making Action games these days. Not to say that this is a bad thing, I mean I do like other types of games other than ones of the Adventure variety, but I sure do miss them...