Mythbusters is a pretty good show.
gdog412's forum posts
I always sneak chocolate in the movies. :)
I get them all the time. They hurt a lot and ar annoying. One time I two merge together and made a massive one. :x
I'm short and under weight too and I don't really care. Maybe that's as tall as your going to get. I'm always one of the shortest and one of the oldest in my class. So height is not a big deal so get over it.
I do anything that doesn't require power until I go to bed if the blackout is that long.
The Mayans world ended every 52 years. They had a giant calender with different rotating wheels, and every 52 years it go back to the same position it started in. Then the Mayans would put out all the fires and break everything and live with no technology for 5 days. Then after 5 days they would make a giant fire, then someone from each city would take a torch and run to the giant fire and bring the fire back to their cities. Then they start making stuff again. The Mayans did this a lot. So just because the Mayans said the world would end in 2012 doesn't mean we are all go to die. There will probably be a world wide blackout and then we have to start over again, or nothing will happen. So I think we are all going to live.
I would be rich then buy mechanical feet. :P
Yes stealing is wrong. You can't take other peoples stuff. They might have worked really hard for the stuff your stealing.
mmm... donuts. :)
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