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gdsmck954 Blog

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter for all those who celebrate it. I trust everyone had a good time. Mine was pretty good. Over ate like I do every year, but it was well worth it. Caught up with the family. I slept through Church this morning:shock: oops. Oh well. What are you going to do right?

Gamerscore Update III

I skipped last weeks update because I only got like 10 more gamerpoints so it was pretty much a waste of time to do. But I got quite a few more points this week so I figured why not? I did start to play Assassin's Creed today so I'm going to force myself to get those ones this week hopefully. Or atleast most of them. I started playing CoD4 too trying to get good again so I can attempt Mile High Club on Veteran. Anyways...

Halo 3 - 49/49 - 1000gp

Hexic HD - 12/12 - 200gp

Call of Duty 4 - 36/37 - 980gp

Assassin's Creed - 39/44 - 875gp

Dead Rising - 40/50 - 800gp

Guitar Hero III - 29/59 - 260gp

Burnout Revenge - 14/36 - 205gp

Aegis Wing - 11/12 - 180gp

Current Total Gamerscore 4,500(+100)

So that's that. In two weeks I only earny 100 points. Can't complain though. The Guitar Hero ones are extremely hard. Especially for someone who sucks at the game. But hopefully I'll get the Assassin's Creed ones this week. Or at least most of them. And I may still buy Bioshock after that even though I said I wanted to wait until I earned all of them for Aegis Wing and Dead Rising, but I think I'll just get the game anyways. I'm not too worried about it. I may borrow Guitar Hero II from my friend too so that will be cool. Those achievements are a lot easier than the Guitar Hero III ones.

Gamerscore Update II

Well we're on to update two already. I haven't really done what I planned to do. I stopped playing Dead Rising. Haven't played it all week. But I'm not done until I get last 200gs. Hopefully I'll work on that again this week. I'm just so lazy. Maybe that and Assassin's Creed. I just wish they weren't so time consuming. Anyways, to the good part.

Halo 3 - 49/49 - 1000gp

Hexic HD - 12/12 - 200gp

Call of Duty 4 - 36/37 - 980gp

Assassin's Creed - 39/44 - 875gp

Dead Rising - 40/50 - 800gp

Guitar Hero III - 23/59 - 190gp

Aegis Wing - 11/12 - 180gp

Burnout Revenge - 13/36 - 175gp

Current Total Gamerscore 4,400 (+225)

Well I finished off Hexic HD like I wanted too. Next on my list is Aegis Wing. Then hopefully I'll suck it up and do Dead Rising or Assassin's Creed. They achievements left are just so time consuming. I don't feel like sitting down and looking for flags for hours upon hours. Oh well.

Burnout Online Achievements

As you may or may not know I'm pretty much an achievement...umm I'll say junkie instead of the normal word which I'm sure most of you know. And there are hardly any people online playing this game making it very difficult to get the online achievements in Burnout. But I have read and achievement guide so if anyone else is having trouble getting these achievements I know how we can both get all of them together. Very simple indeed and very worth it. Well the only two I can't guarantee are Celebrity Status (get one of your Burnout clips into the top 20), but I may have a way of doing that one too. Most Wanted is the other achievement I can't guarantee. But if I get enough people then that one won't be hard either. All of the online achievements are worth nearly 300 gamerpoints so it's well worth it if you're willing to put in the time. If anyone is interested send me a f/r at NotGodJustEric with Burnout in the subject.

Gamerscore Update I

Here's my current gamerscore as of 3.1.08. I'll be updating this every weekend. Probably Saturday night. This isn't necessarily for anyone, but for me. Just to see how my gamerscore rises over the week.

Guitar Hero III - 20/50 - 155gs

Dead Rising - 40/50 - 800gs

Halo 3 - 49/49 - 1000gs

Call of Duty 4 - 36/37 - 980gs

Assassin's Creed - 39/44 - 875gs

Burnout Revenge - 4/36 - 30gs

Hexic HD - 10/12 - 155gs

Aegis Wing - 11/12 - 180gs

Current Total Gamerscore 4,175gs

This week I'm hoping to get a few more Guitar Hero III achievements. Maybe finish of Dead Rising and finish Hexic HD as well as Aegis Wing. I've decided I'm not allowing myself to buy another new game (BioShock) until I finish Assassin's Creed, Dead Rising, Hexic HD, and Aegis Wing. All I know I can easily do. It's just putting the time into the games. Especially Assasin's Creed, when I only need the flag achievements.

Xbox Live Still Messing Up

Well sadly Xbox Live is still down. It wouldn't be so frustrating if I didn't just get Call of Duty 4. I mean it's been almost two weeks now. Kind of sucks to pay for a service and not get it. That's only about 2 dollars, but would anyone in their right mind just throw away 2 dollars? Because currently that's what I'm doing. Everyday XBL doesn't work i'm just throwing away more money. But I guess Microsoft is planning on refunding XBL subscribers by giving us a free Arcade game download. Which would normally probably run for $10 so in my book we'll be even. Oh well I guess in the coming weeks we'll find out just what Microsoft is planning.

My Christmas Goodies

I'm sure you're all dying to know what new games I got for Christmas and luckily for you I'm about to tell you. The only game I requested from my parents was Guitar Hero III. I've always wanted a Guitar Hero game, but I never had a PS2 so I couldn't get one and for some reason I just never got Guitar Hero II (even though now I may go back and buy it).

So that's that. And to my complete surprise my girlfriend got me Call of Duty 4. Which I was ecsatatic about. I was going to buy it after Christmas with the money I got from relatives and what not, but now I guess I'm not going to have too. Maybe I'll buy something else. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to state them in comments below. I really just got back into video games so I don't know what I should get.

New Games, Well One Brand new and One 2 months Old New

The first of these two brand new games is the game that most people bought their 360's for, I am one of these people. But luckily the 360 has tons of other great games to make up for the huge disapointment this game was. Yes I am of course talking about Halo 3. Yes it is a good game, but I am one of the many people who played it competetively and it just doesn't have competetive potentials so I've left the competetive gaming world to come back to my roots and start just playing video games for fun.

So now I'm sure you're all dying to know what my brand new game I got today was. Now you see I couldn't decided between this and Call of Duty 4. But I finally decided when I realized I wanted a game completely different from the shooters (Halo 2/3) I've been playinf for the past 18 months non stop. So I went with the game I've been waiting for since I ever saw the first trailer at E3. What game could I be talking about you wonder? Why Assassin's Creed of couse. I played it for about 5 hours non stop after I first put it in. It's extremely addicting and a nice change of pace from the standard shooters I've been playing. This may just be one of my favorite games ever.

It was the Turkey Emblem that I lost

I just realized that the emblem I lost was the Turkey emblem. But apparently it was just temporary and it was replaced by the cake emblem. I don't know. Hopefully it will come back because I liked it better than this cake emblem I have now.

One New, One Gone

I got a new emblem today. The "cake" emblem. No real point to it, but I still like it. But for some reason I feel like I'm missing another emblem. I don't know which one, but something just doesn't look right. It just feels like one disapeared. Oh well, I'll figure out which one it was sooner or later.