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Fighting Games

I just recently got into fighting games, prolly some time late last year, but my collection is really growing. I have soul caliber 2 (XBOX) and Tekken 5DR (the best), Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, and KoF:99 all for PSP (KoF is from the PSN). Plus i'm also getting UFC: 2009 this week as well as going on a hunt for KoF The Collection: Orochi Saga(94, 95, 96, 97 &98 for PSP) and Samurai Showdown Anthology (all 7 for PSP) in the bargain bins, altough they will be very hard to find.The PSP really is a good system for fighting gamesespecially 2d games but I think that im going to expand my collection to cover my 360. Anyway what are some of the fighting gamesthat you guys have?