I now a Linux user!
by gekk0 on Comments
I decided that because my computer is too outdated to play games, I would try to install linux on it. Seeing as I know nothing on linux and nothing on command prompts, I thought I would downlolad the most user friendly version (there are tons of versions of linux). Somehow I made it onto the Slackware Linux page (an extremly not user friendly verision) Something about it, maybe the penguin, maybe the aura around the name, drew me in. Some downloading and some cd burning later I was ready. I rid my self of windows xp, though I ended up making a partition in my harddrive for it, and intalled linux. Even with a guide infront fo me, it was decently hard (the guide wasnt complete and didnt match the setting s I required). 2 hours lated I got it installed! I met many challenges and am still working on getting my net to work but damn it was fun.! Im conversted! I love tinkering with programs.