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Jeff Gerstmann, here I come!

I mentioned Anthem's writer in the first post. Recently, Trent and I have ramped up production, with me doing what I do, and collaborating with Trent on the basic story events. Trent's doing all the dirty work though, and apparently all the papers have covered his kitchen table.

Trent is a real writer

We're working as fast as we can (what with our day jobs and/or school getting in the way) so we can make the IGF deadline, which is October 1. Perhaps one day we can get a mention on On the Spot. I'm sure someone out there is interested in the Flash game world, right?

As you may recall, I am currently a full-time animator on Supernews, a cartoon on Current TV. I just found out recently that the Supernews writer/director, Josh Faure-Brac, used to be in a band with Gamespot's Senior Editor Jeff Gerstmann. He doesn't know it yet, but I'm coming for you Jeff! You'll play Anthem and tell me what you think! Hopefully he'll like it enough that he'll spread the word. Everyone listens to Jeff, right? Well everyone listens to Greg, but since he's run away, Jeff's our next bet.

Private alpha testing will start within a few weeks, I hope. That deadline is creeping closer at an uncomfortable rate.

Lastly, don't you like the old way GS made image thumbnails? I do. The new thumbnails look unpolished, so I'm sticking to the old look.