The most recent games and the ones that are under development are part of a new era of games.
When computers were news some time ago gaming was all about space. What does that mean? That means that games were graphicaly simple and that there was not even such a thing as a 32 Mgb 3D video card (which today is already pre-historical). The only thing you would needed was space. And it really crips me out to think that I could only have two games on my PC and that if I wanted to play another one I would have to uninstall one of these two. What at that time was called a game I believe we can call today a minigame.
Technology then evolved and the focus of a gaming computer became the video card (that doesnt mean other things weren't needed). Of course you had to had space on your HD but it was not the most important anymore and since HD space also increased you could have much more than two games on your computer.
Today, an 80 Gbs HD won't work anymore because game sizes have tripled. Games that used to require 5 Gbs to run (and one like this was already a big one) now require 15 Gbs!!! That is absurd!!! Video cards continues to be the main thing on a PC but everything else is extremely important now!
Now if we want to play a game on high settings we are going to need NASA computers. 400Gbs HD 4Gbs of RAM memory, 1GBs video cards, 100 cores processors lol!!!
Lets start saving money!
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