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generalz4 Blog

I am a man now

its been awhile since ive been here and i notice all my blogs were whinny and/or **** kinda interesting though that i am still leveling up. why does game spot even needs levels anyway. Enough of that, today i plan on getting DC universe online as i seriously need a new game to play even though i wont even be playing it for two weeks as i am involved in a winter sport. Other information- i have a PS3 and my gamertag is The_Vasa, i made that name when i was younger as well so that is why it is incredibly lame. i would change it but i have a few good trophies and am lazy as hell. currently lv 12 rad racer (49%) good day to all.

My summer so far.

My summer has not been the awesome filled adventure that I thought it would be. The things I have done: baseball, lifting, and my summer job, detassling. huzza:(

lvl 8

im level eight now, so i can do quad damage muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


i want to get to 110 comments on this blog so if you are reading this (how could you not) you have to post a comment or ill fricken kill you knick-nack patty-wack give a dog a bone 

favorite movie

i would like to know your favorite movie. i dont know why i do but i just do. so you either post it or not. and remember protect the environment or i'll freakin kill you.

goooooooooooooo vasa

if any1 thinks i am the greatest thing on earth post your comment  and remember protect the envirnment or i'll freakin kill you

Dragonball Z

I am a big dbz fan. my favorite characters are krillin and tien. i like the saiyans but i feel that the humans and piccolo are starting to be left out of the story. i also think that Akira should make a villian that only krillin can defeat. well thanx for reading this.
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