I am now writing this after playing Metroid Prime 2 for about 6 hours straight, not dieing once. (Note: 6 hours isn't from the beginning, it's from when I started playing today) I thought, "oh, this is easy; I'll have this done in no time." Word to the wise: don't EVER say that; hell, to be safe, don't even THINK that.
I'm in the sky temple (light side), and I hadn't saved for about half an hour. Usually that wouldn't be a problem, but it was right before a rather annoying mini-boss (ok, so it wasn't technically a mini-boss, it was just a ton of those long legged robots that you have to blow them up from underneath, and then blast the head.) Anyway, if any of you have sympathy for me, save it. It's not so much that I can't do it, it's that im so pissed that I got knocked back so far.