Never played a game in the dragon age series, but this one looked really awesome, and i saw it on sale at the store i work at, so i picked it up..
Now, story wise, i know its a standalone game, but if i started with this one, would i be lost/confused about events in it? Or is it ok to just jump in here?
georgejones1525's forum posts
Alright so theres an accessory that i got early on, dont remember what it's called, but every turn it gives the wearer like 20 sp. So if Dart was wearing it, at the start of every turn, he would recieve 20 sp.
I doubt it, but does this accessory count towards your dragoon experience? Does anyone know..? :/
Cause if it helps with your dragoon level, im totally slapping that onto Shana..
It's so bad, that its good. :D
Best example so far, made me litterally lol. Right after you beat Gehrich:
Gehrich: I'm glad... to recieve your fist, Master..
Haschel: Shut up, talking makes you die.
Both parts of that, made me lol..
Some of the dialogue is just sooo out there, that i cant help but love it lol.
Feel free to share your similar stories, but PLEEEAASE try to limit the spoilers. :)
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