Hya Everyone!
Well here in the south east of England it looks and feels like spring has arrived!!!
I was up at 4.30am playing Morrowind - how i love that game and to think i hated it when i first played it and wondered how anyone could like it???
Not finished 'Arx Fatalis' yet and i do like to finish a game before i start another but i have got addicted to Morrowind and i grab every spare moment i have got to play it!
I am soooo glad i chose to be a Redguard and how beautiful and powerful and strong she is - i think i chose well for someone who didn't bother to read the manual - i see if i like a game first then i study the manual!
i wonder how many people read all the books in morrowind?
it must of taken the game makers forever and ever to write little books for the game - i don't read them as such, just look at them to see if i can gain points!
i was lost in morrowind for a few days - stuff around Vos area.........!
i have just been into town with my son and he is 2 and a bit and has been throwing tantrums all week - i wish he would just chill out man!
it is a fight for the television - he wants cbeebies and i want to play xbox and so far he is winning - already he is showing an interest in games and he has played doom, i put the invinsibleĀ cheat in - i know it has got monsters and blood in the game and many people would and will frown upon me for letting him play the game...........
see ya's later
Fiona aka georgie-girl