Hya Gamers and people who are watching what i write!
I am still playing morrowind and loving it!
i still cannot believe that i didn't like the game to begin with???
Anyway i haven't been completing many quests as there are so many and me being nice if someone in the game needs help then i say that i will help them and well i am finding it hard to keep track of them all!
i am exploring the wonderful world - i want the game of the year edition on xbox and it was fairly cheap here in the UK but for some bizarre reason it has shot up in price, well on ebay anyway and me thinks that alot of people think it is the new morrowind for xbox 360???
i have been arguing with my local council too - i need a move cos i am stuck in a one bedroom flat with my son and we need another bedroom....now instead of the council sorting things out you have to go onto there website and bid for properties!!!
i love the invention of email and the telephone cos i have been emailing them and phoning them and ranting and raving that it is all the tories fault for allowing anyone and everyone to sell there council places and well they didn't build anymore and people have sold theres to get onto the 'property ladder' a ladder that i will never be able to get onto - oh woe is me!
anyway never fear cos when Fiona is on a mission she does not let up and i will win - one person can make a difference and i truly believe that and well i will perservere!
i love this place cos i can keep a sort of online diary - laughing to myself i do not really know if anyone reads my stuff but i like writing it and that is what counts - yeah?
i love reading stuff about other people - yes i have been reading yourstuff - big brother sorry big sister is watching you!
my son is at my sisters today so it is gamers paradise!
when i am playing a game i feel like i am in the game and i even dream about the game and wake up in the morning all excited!
no i am not sad just well into games - games are not just for teenage boys and geeks, maybe i am a geek but i do not mind!
someone direct me to some cool blogs where people well just talk about themselves.
i would love to start my own message board and we could all just write what we want etc etc and be friends and be happy and it would be like a proper little community!
bye for now