Please guys - You are really a bunch of retards. Do you really think MS did not know what they were doing. They used super advanced techniques for their audio inputs, they improved the kinect system, their power support i far more advanced and external, their fans are bigger, the machine is bigger. MS provided a solution that is future proof.
They also took a very interesting path in regard to the APU. They didn't just take a standard APU and put GDDR5 on it. Not that it is not a good solution. It is showing now - because it is very easy to use and utilize the resources of that machine - hence PS4 producing better MP games right now. But if you look at RYSE and FORZA it shows that XBOX one with the right developers can achieve superior results. RYSE is by far the best looking game this generation.
MS has one problem though - they were not ready or had not anticipated a 2013 launch. So the drivers where fucked up. And ESPECIALLY not using the eSRAM in an optimal way. They need to get the developers use PRT - this is the only and right way to use the eSRAM and the move engines etc. and all the different 15 special purpose chips that MS have put into the XBOX one.
PS4 used standard components but did not really look ahead towards what will be the next big thing. MS did - and they are almost there. Just takes time - and this will mean worse 3rd party games in the beginning. Like we saw with the powerfull PS3 last generation. SONY is on top right now - but I bet MS will take them in the long run.
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