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Next generation review - good read

While playing, reading, listening and viewing everything about the 3 major next-gen of consoles i decided to write a small review of what i've seen so far, everything here is my point of view and my opinion. To let you all know before you read i currently own a DS, PSP, and a gaming PC, and tried to be as impartial as i could writing this.

Wii - While being the most affordable of all next-gen systems (besides ds) the wii is still not much improvement from the last gen, in fact the difference is hardly noticeable from gamecube to wii and the truth is that me, as an adult gamer, don't like the idea of swinging a video-game controller around like a fool in the middle of the living room to operate cartoonish human bodies and other weird stuff that wii games have to offer (although i really liked redsteel's E3). If i end up buying a wii it will be for my kid and that will be like 2-3 years from now.

Xbox 360 - Wow I almost bought a xbox360, in fact i would had if there was any avaible when i was hyped up about it, call of duty 2, perfect dark zero, they all seemed great games. But after a couple months i realized that even with the 360's next gen power it could not even top my current PC (pc is my main hobbie so i always have the latest stuff), and  the games coming out for the 360 aren't nearly as appealing as the games coming out for the PC (check out the upcoming pc library or 2006-2007, its amazing). So after all i would just end up with a less powerful machine that played games that were not as good

PS3 - Well, the ps3 system is unquestionably the most powerful of all 3 and sony always seems to manage to build a better library than either microsoft or nintendo so the ps3 would be the best choice for a real gamer, the problem is just the price: $600 is crazy,besides,  by the time it comes out my PC will be just as powerful and i will be a way too busy playing burning crusade, neverwinter nights 2, and medival 2: total war to botter playing a newly released ps3 with a slim library. That eliminates the ps3 for now, although i will probably end up buying one to play madden with the guys down the line

DS - The DS is the cheapest of all 7th generation system, and that is on what it relies on (yeah, i'm sorry ds fans, but the psp is a better machine). Also having old school games like mario and advanced wars (reason why i bought a ds in the first place) makes it an outstanding system to just grab it and play whenever you want. I hate however games like that jury game or that medical game, i wonder who spends their time doing playing that

PSP - The psp is the most powerfull handheld to date period, its technology makes it expensive but it is still worth it if you have a little extra cash to spend. The game library may not be as good as the ds's but the superior technology obviously makes the good psp titles (syphon filter, field commander, daxter, gta, burnout, etc..) stand out against the DS, also the psp library will expend and become better and better the next few years, while the ds games will not have much improvement. finally the psp is a better handheld for more mature gamers that actually enjoy playing more realistic titles (example: you hear cursing, sex terms, nudity, and alot of gore on several psp titles, while the ds tries to support cleaner games)

PC - the pc isn't just a system like the other ones, and as so you could judge it differently from pc to pc, but the truth is that the best pcs will always out-perform the consoles. I started playing with the pc when the first doom came out so history may have influenced me into preffering a keyboard and mouse over a controller, but if you rellay stop to think about it a keyboard and a mouse are a way more precise than any controller, with endless hotkeys and extremly precise aiming. Also pc games will always be bigger and will offer more than any console system (heck look at series like diablo and baldurs gate , alot people still play it after 6 years after its latest release). I also hear alot of stuff about ps1 emulation on psp, playing old nes games on wii and xbox games on 360, well that has always been there for the pc and you can still play anything you own. Finally, the pc library is always better and you have more options to choose from, in fact i doubt that any serious gamer never loved a specific pc series, and this and next years library is looking very promising.

Please feel free to respond to this and give your opinion, just make sure not to post nothing stupid and as kids say these days "fanboyish" as i will not reply to those. Also excuse my spelling because i really didn't think about the english, just the message.