gespenst3's forum posts
Help us grow as a Free Company and we guaranty you'll have a good time.
Still recruiting. Just sign up and drop an application post so we know you're interested
Hello fellow Mooglers & Eorzeans
Im here on behalf of our FCs Leadership and I'd like to invite all those of you interest in joining us on the Moogle server.
We are a casual Free Company, looking for friendly players who want to have fun together on quest/dungeons/fate/etc and we do things both pre-planned and on whim especially since Fates pop-up all over Eorzea.
We will also have a dedicated Endgame Linkshell (run by our FC Leadership) for those who want to more of a challenge.Which you may apply for at any time, not only while entering the FC. We want you to apply when you feel you are ready.
Our players have a wide range of experience from both beta and other MMORPGs. We welcome experienced and new players. If you have never played an MMO before dont worry we will help you learn and improve, all we ask of the newcomers is that you accept our criticism and suggestions as they are meant, to help you improve, not mock nor attack you.
Keep in mind that even we were all new at some point and that we improved thanks to the help and advice of others.We ask players both new and old to remember this.
Our friendly players are generally willing to help when available. All we really ask from our members is to help others in return and have fun along the way.
Oh yeah on a side note, although we are not a dedicated RP FC we do have a few players interested in it, so we also welcome Roleplayers to join us.
Come join us as we learn, grow, explore and most importantly adventure.
Join us at: http://eorzea.forumcommunity.net/
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