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New PSP Memory Stick Announced, more expensive than your PSP

The PSP is already coming up on its 3rd anniversary, and what better way to celebrate this momentous event than to release a new upgrade for it? Over these past three years the PSP has gained quite a following of devoted gamers, but within that following is a minority who have been using the PSP for its multimedia capabilities. Sony's new 16 Gig memory card will probably bring a sigh of relief, then, to those who use their PSP as their main source of entertainment on the go. For those who have not been keeping track, the PSP can currently be used as an music player, a movie player, a camera, an internet browser, a GPS unit, a telephone, an instant messenging device, and has video chat capabilities (take that iPhone!).

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For those of you who are looking to double your PSP's storage, those who would like to use an HD camera, and especially for those who use Skype a lot, this upgrade should come as no surprise. What should come as a surprise, however, is the price. At a whopping $300.00 you're paying more for this memory stick than you did for your PSP, so I don't think it'll be long before 3rd party offerings start competing for your hard-earned dollars. The new Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo is also compatible with Sony digital cameras, VAIO Computers, PDAs, the PS3, and cell phones. Look for these mighty little cards at a retailer near you in March!

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