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Upcoming DS games for February 2008

Another month, another set of DS titles to look forward to. February will be a good month for fans of the adventure genre; Professor Layton, a quirky story-driven, brain-teasing title, starts the journey, and Apollo Justice finishes it with a bang, as a new attorney is set to conquer the courtroom. There are also a few other DS titles that could be worth a look. Not only that, but February 10 marks the release of the Cobalt / Black DS Lite, perfect for your brand-new copy of Professor Layton. These are some of the note-worthy DS releases for February:

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Blue / black DS Lite is set to be up for sale alongside the release of Professor Layton and the Curious Village.

Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles – February 5: Many were expecting a mini-game collection or a card battler, but Assassin's Creed for DS is far from that. A direct prequel to the popular console title, AC:AC stays as faithful to the original as possible, with a semi-3D world and non-stop action as you explore ancient cities and perform acrobatic maneuvers and combos to fight enemies.

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Assasin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles

Professor Layton and the Curious Village – February 10: Layton is a mix of adventure, puzzle, and role-playing game elements. The main story is intricate and mysterious, and you progress through it by solving logic puzzles and graphic riddles. You can interact with townsfolk in St. Mystere and unlock a few side-quests as well. A colorful and unique art ****and impressive animations top off the game perfectly.

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Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Dungeon Explorer: Warrior of the Ancient Arts – February 12: Long in the making, this is a sequel to the TurboGrafx Dungeon Explorer. Available for both DS and PSP, DE offers unique stories and worlds for each version, with similar dungeon-crawling gameplay. The DS version of the game is somewhat lacking, with fewer character ****s to choose from, but you can buy and fight alongside robots not present in the PSP version.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney – February 19: The DS is due back in court soon, as Apollo Justice takes over the defense attorney tasks previously performed by Phoenix Wright. Multiple elaborate cases have you questioning witnesses, exploring crime scenes, and debating the law in court as you attempt to defend your clients. Wacky characters and well-written dialogue will surely make this game just as good as the previous series, with balanced drama and comedic scenes throughout the game.

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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Nanostray 2 is also set to be released sometime this month, after its recent delay. These titles should keep us busy through this leap-year month!

[Thanks to: sergioalb64]:D