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Off Topic

I think that I offended some guy in the off topic discussion board the other day. It was not intentionally done I was merely stating my opinion. Next thing I know there is like four or five people all criticizing me like I'm some kind of fourteen year old kid that does'nt know anything. Sad part is most of them are ten years younger than me trying to tell me I'm not patriotic. What most of them don't know is that I was in the Marine Corps while they were still picking boogers in junior high. Thats the problem with posting on the message boards is the anonymity of the whole thing. You cannot truly tell if someone has been around the block or not.

Kill'em all let God sort them out

I've been replaying San Andreas for the past couple of days just to kill time. The funny part is I've only been causing mayhem and destruction. For some reason all I want to do is kill pedestrians and cops or blow stuff up. Perhaps I'm in need of a new GTA or something of equal caliber. Metal Gear 3 is cool and it was helping me pass the time, but there is just not enouph bodies to take out.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull booy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Not Badd

Played Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War at Ryan's house the other day. Not quite as simple as playing the old fashioned way but probably alot cheaper. The intro movie is pretty intense and the game has great sound fx. Of course like all other war simulation strategy games it was a pain to try and play. I gave it a good effort and if I'd played it online I would have gotten stomped. All in all it is on the list of games to soon acquire because of its online capability. Now at least I won't have to look like a complete geek carrying a case of miniatures to the mall to play Warhammer with the rest of the thirty year old crowds I consort with.

Not For Kids

Just started playing The Playboy Mansion recently. I love these types of simulation games where you can build onto your surrounding environment and interact with the NPC's. Unlike "The Sims" this game is much easier to keep your character happy and all those around you. The missions and gameplay are very unique. And I also love the fact that finally we have games that appeal to the adult genre by offering illicit sexual content and images. Very Cool!!! When I was child I played childish games, but when I became a man I started playing filthy, raunchy, nasty and downright dirty games.:twisted:

Better and Better

After 70 hours of gameplay on San Andreas I'm only at 50% completed. I've done a little bit of exploring, but the majority of that time was spent doing missions and taking over rival gang territories. And let me just say that I'm lovin every minute of it. On the mission "Vertical Bird" you get to steal the Hydra which is the GTA version of the Marine Corps' Harrier. Freakin awsome. Is it to late to buy stock in Rockstar Games. I may have to quit my job when they come out with GTA 5.

So Tight

Within the first thirty six consecutive hours of playing GTA: San Andreas, I could tell that I was going to have some serious fun in the replay of the game. Upon taking a flight from Los Santos to San Fierro, I opted to exit the plane in mid air. Sky diving? Sky diving? Who are these geniuses at Rockstar and how dare they hold out until now like this. Good things come to those who wait, but I nearly gave up gaming when I finished Vice City. If it sounds like I'm complaining I apologize. Games just are not what they used to be and that is goooood. Please oh mighty lords of the gaming industry send your faithfull gamers more titles like this. For we fear you wrath and will con tinue to spend our useless existance paying you homage. Even if it is fifty dollars a game.