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A little late

Sorry there hasn't been any recent updates of "The Great Journey of My 360" lately. So here's what happen the past few weeks or so...

Checked OMG MY XBOX SHIPPED 3 DAYS AGO AND IS SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY TOMORROW!! OH MEH GOD!!! The next day my dad stays home all day so I we don't miss the delivery. The single hour he left to pick me up from school the truck came and left. The next day I got my 360(It was THE LONGEST 24 hours of my life)Put in Halo 3. Beat the game. Got up my rank(slightly) on Xboxlive. OMG 3 REDLIGHTS AGAIN!!!:shock: ... Just kidding. It was only 1 light this time.:? The website said to unplug everything and plug it back in so that's what I did and It's been running faster than ever! I also got all the skulls in Halo 3 last Friday. So that's everything you need to know about the most traumatic time in my life so far.