this is my homework. i hope that my teacher has a sense of humor. (my school name as well as mine has been deleted)
the prompt was that i have a new principal and she wants me to write her a letter detailing any changes that i think would be good.
Dear -------
I am responding to you request that anyone who so wishes may write you a letter stating the change that they wish to see in this wonderful school, and who it would benefit. I, as you may have guessed, wish to bring to you attention one such change that I believe would be beneficial to many people, including, but not limited to the students of ---------, the teachers at ---------, and the owners of many a dining establishment. The change that I wish to impose is to give students the opportunity to order out every day of the week. I believe this to beneficial to many, and also a good idea.
This would be good for students for many reasons. We would no longer have to suffer the indignation of eating food packed at the whim of our parents, or even just food found around the house, which we all know is nowhere near as good as food found elsewhere. I, for example, once found carrots in my lunchbox. I was horrified, for I could not believe that my mom actually wanted me to be healthy, a terrifying prospect. I know many other students that have also found similar healthy items in their lunches, and they were similarly horrified. Please, I beg of you, let the students of --------- order out and join the ranks of the many obese children in America, land of the free.
Ordering out would also be good for the school. Obese children are less likely to want to move out of their seat, or even fidget, as these actions warrant movement, the enemy of the overweight. And we all know that still children are learning children. Just think of the increase in grades when the students no longer have the motivation to get up, which disrupts the learning process. Students would be able to soak up information better also, as they would have more room. -------- would no longer be "one of the best in the nation," but rather the best in the nation.
The restaurants we order from would also benefit. They would be filling two American dreams; making children gain weight, and making a lot of money. Selling up to 190 meals a day never hurts profit, the all of these meals would be sold and delivered with that special feeling that one only gets when he knows that these meals will be consumed by skinny children that will rapidly gain weight, and eventually become obese. Think of how these people will feel when they go home, how much easier they will sleep.
These reasons, outlined above, are why I think that --------- should offer a chance to order out every day. It would make countless lives better. Wait no, it wouldn't. It would make countable lives better, which is superior to countless, as you can actually calculate the karma gained. And these countable lives would be made imaginably better, which adds even more karma points to you list.
Gh0st Sp1rit
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