ghoster's forum posts
bleh .. i'm stuck on "no fightning in the war room" and it's freaking me out big time, one of the thing (atleast with the 360 version) is that you doesn't always get a checkpoint. I'm seriously run straight past 2 checkpoint alot of times without anyting happening, seems like after alot of tries i've gotten them lol..danish-death
You only get the checkpoint if you still have enough time left to finish the level from that spot. Otherwise you would keep respawning in an impossible situation.
the games always had its fair shair of glitches and problem just like past cod games. there are some really crazy kills i've gotten in the game, cod4 is an arcade shooter though realism isn't really its thing. but it does make you pause and think why did they test the game for so long and have it released with so many problems. the games kind of unbalanced in my opinion.
warhawk in that sense i think is great there isn't a lot there but incognito went back over and over and refined the game to the point were i think its pretty close to being perfectly balanced. anyways it doesn't really matter there isn't a way to loose online in cod4 youll gain xp regardless lol
The first big patch is due to arrive in January so hopefully a lot of the little annoyances will be addressed.
That was one of my favorite xbox games. Either they do a sequal or someone else should rip off the basic premise and steal all the cash they are leaving out there by not making a sequal.
If you grew up at all during the cold war being able to fight the Soviets was awesome. Since a real war never happened everyone just goes straight from WWII to some fictional modern skirmish and skips what should be the basis for many fantastic war games. Dumb.
Gears has the most host advantage/bullet lag in any XBL game I've played.II-FBIsniper-II
Agreed. I would really like to have played this game more but the lag makes it unbearable.
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