Okay, it may look cool and new.
However, what's up with the graphics? I don't think i'm the only one thinking that it looks like a ps2 game, it kinda looks like a wii game with some next gen shaders, I mean, shaders that exist since the Geforce2 came out. Add up some real muddy textures and plain earthy toned copy paste hi res photorealistic textures which remind me of games like HL2 and Stalker and **** and you get the NextGen seal of aproval. Like, stop calling games next gen just because they need more power than they should and just because they came out after 2006 or something. Calling any kind of gameplay next gen is also as stupid. Like in the interview I heard the new next gen gameplay elements were that glove and to switch styles on the fly. How next-gen. Now we too have a context sensitive key. Ninja Gaiden is way more next gen than DMC4 is ever going to be in all aspects of gameplay. Anyways it looks like DMC always made it's way in like improving little things instead of suffering a complete overhaul which is not so bad cause it means that that style of gameplay is prooved-and-tested kinda fun. It's differnt from NG cause it's easier and also heavier, like arcady. Without the plenty-of-gore visceral fun NG has, at least you got a lot of shiny **** going on the screen, tekken like. At the same time I can understand that game designers are kinda getting lackuster in coming up with new gameplay mechanisms and designs, it seems like gameplay is getting pushed back from all the rest, like games today look better than they play. We're getting in that era and age where the Hud hurts the overall aspect of the game. Which reminds me of the graphics like I was talking about.
Is it that dificult to understand that games to look nextgen need to look next gen from afar and not like upclose in little details so you can use HD and say "see this is like a ps2 game with a higher polycount and look his clothes are fully textured in normalmaps"? Is the same as saying that DMC3 for pc is next gen if someone added it some motion blur and higher res textures and stuff. DMC4 looks like Re4 and it doesn't look like it couldn't be a ps2 game. Lost Planet and Dead Rising looked nicer to me. Except that Lost Planet has way too much snow. Even so, look at some of the caves with fireflies in comparsion.
Other than that they say they're trying to "elevate" DMC4 to wider mainstream audience, so they made up a new character who looks like Dante but isn't Dante. I mean what's the problem with Dante? It will push back people who are fans and the others simply won't care. And if those who are going to be interested in this 4th installment of the game are new, like, why didn't they get the previous titles? DMC is DMC and that's final. And if there is anyone who's already a fan and won't play it cause it doesn't have Dante they're **** what difference does it make if the gameplay is good?