I always thought that the team behind Death Note wasn't exactly competent but what made DN a great anime was it's story and sometimes even if the animation was kinda crappy it had it's moments and some good direction. Now with DMC, i often think why Capcom greenlighted this crap. It's just so lame. it has fan service written all over the place. The main problem with it is, it isn't for DMC fans, it is more akin to ppl who know DMC but don't understand what it is all about or for ppl who never touched the games but know that Dante is the new definition for "kewl".
The animation is bad, and for a anime that should be about demon slaying and ass kicking there's almost no fighting at all. When there is it is just completely show off, thing is it has nothing to show, it's like all you get to see most of the time is Dante finishing off some monster with a single slash and lots of gunfire while some really loud music is playing as if to say "that was supposed to be cool". Even Dante comes across as this really lame character who's full of **** It's kinda like he tries to be some kind of spike speigel with a sword but it only makes him kinda corny and cliché. And he's always ordering "suturoberi sundays". In tmnt they eat pizza, in DMC Dante eats strawberry sundays. Oh wait he's constantly ordering pizzas too. How TM.
It seems like it is trying so hard to be j-rock or goth lolita or something in between. Also there's this really annoying girl who stays at Dante's place who's so loli complex. When he's not eating, he's sleeping cause he's just so cool he just doesn't need to do nothing kinda like the screenwriters dunno what to do with him. In the games the fighting sequences were so awesome and over the top that it's kinda difficult to find fighting sequences that can be as fun and engaging as those of the games in any medium available. In the anime most fights don't even last a minute and there's no thought put what so ever in these sequences.
And the screenplays are just so **** I could make better episodes. If the direction was any good and there was some real fighting you could forget the stories and think of em as excuses to the fighting but these stories take over the most of the episode and in the end it all comes across as fake and forced. Most episodes have the quality of filler episodes and when i thought that all this travesty would end in episode 4 they continued to make more of this ****
Stay away from it if you like DMC.