Recently, I've been playing a whole lot of Jojo's Bizzare(or is it spelled bizarre?) Adventure for the psx. Oh man, this game is awesome. I tried to play it before on my dreamcast but it didn't work so i got the japanese version running on epsxe. I haven't seen a 2D fighter this great in years and lately i haven't even touched guilty gear XX for I find this game way more original and interesting when it comes to gameplay mechanics. Makes me wonder why Capcom stopped making fighters and evolved to this more serious company realeasing crap like RE4 which is the same from start to end, Killer7 and Lost Planet which looks like a MDK in the snow with mechs to me. Only game I'd spend my money on would be Dead Rising. All we've got from Capcom in the fighting genre department is these re-releases of past street fighter games. Oh thanks a lot, I've got all of those.
Now on Jojo's Bizzare Adventures which from now I'll abreviate to Jba. Jba is two times more insane when it comes to character originality than GGXX. Even if it's based on a manga on the same vein of Hokuto no Ken (fist of the north star for you who might not know) something has to be said on how they managed to incorporate the concept of each fighter having this summoned creature at your command (which are called Stands) present in the manga, and making it work on a 2d fighter. Has to be seen to be believed. Other than that, it's been a long time since I've seen sprites with this much personality. Everything's so inspired from the sets to the minigames and the announcer. "Make up your mind! FIGHT!" Maybe I'll review it sometime but you like 2d fighters or Hokuto no Ken you should try this game.
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