How come Fallout 3 for the pc isnt available in the Philippines? the 360 and ps3versions have been release exactly when it was the offical release back in october..... when can i get it?!
Can anyone tell me why i should stay a PC gamer? i upgraded my rig because i feel i should stay a pc gamer, but somehow im regretting it with gears 2 and fable 2 being a 360 exclusive. Can anyone reassure me? why be a pc gamer?
If i play Cod 4 online on my Pc or left for dead or even Cod 5 will i be able to play with my friend who playes on a 360? Also how do i install a wired 360 controller?
I can install a windows 360 controller so it would work on a pc right?? but could i play with more than one player?if i buy two controllers
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