So when I preordered the PS3, in my stupid excitement I forgot to buy the extra things I wanted with the (bundled) console. So I bought two extra games ontop of the three that will come with the console, an extra controller and a SCART cable since I don't have a HDTV (yet) and wasn't sure if a SCART came with it.
So last week I get my stupid SCART cable for the PS3. Guess what comes today. The extra controller and the two games I ordered separately. No PS3. EVIL SWINES!!! Why couldn't they have just held it all off and sent everything together. Instead they tease me with the freakin games and controller that I can't use! The console will be coming tomorrow, but why not just ship it together? Isn't it cheaper for them? I'm not paying extra on it, but surely they are. Sounds dumb to me.
So here I am, staring at Resistance, Sonic and controller (with no USB cable to charge with which sucks, luckily the cable to connect my camera to the PC fits) and wondering what it would be like to play. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
Idiots are such a tease...